Chapter 16

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Damien p.o.v.

We all wait outside the ER room for the doctor to tell us what's going on with Eros. He's been in there for more than 24 hours now and they won't tell us what's going on. It should just take some healing magic, but they've been taking things that aren't for healing. Nurses keep telling us to not disturb them, because one second could be the difference between life and death. The nurses don't seem to know what's going on, but they do know it's serious.

"This is all your fault," JJ yells at me. I turn to him and see him glaring at me. Freya has her hand around his shoulder, trying to calm him down. "If you did better job, protecting him, we wouldn't be here right now." He is about to charge at me, but Ryder and Derek get in the way, holding him back.

This leads into a huge out screaming match by almost everyone in the room: Hebe, the Castillo kids, the Helios, my parents, my friends. All either defending me or blaming me. I just sat there, not paying attention to them as they fight. No matter what they say, it won't affect how bad I feel right now.

I couldn't defend Eros. I couldn't defend him the one time he actually needed me. He instead jumped in the way and protected me. How am I suppose to defend others if I can't defend one person? How am I suppose to not look at him and not feel guilty? What am I going to do if he doesn't live? Oh God, if he dies I will never get over it.

"Everybody shut the fuck up," I hear Kara yell loudly. This makes everyone stop immediately. We all turn to her and see her fuming, literally. There was smoke coming out of her eyes that would have been comedic if it was any other situation. "M-my s-son is in there fighting for his life and I would much appreciate it if you guys don't yell," she cries. Some tears fall from her face as she looks at us. She falls to her knees and starts sobbing on the ground over Eros. Her mate gets down and wraps his arms around her, trying to comfort her.

I look at everybody and see that everybody is wreck. They've been crying for hours and haven't gotten any sleep since he got checked in. Even little Kai was a mess. Nick tired to cheer him up but Kai would just yell at him and throw stuff at him. Nick being the understanding kid he is, let him. Every once in a while Kai would get guilty and start crying on his shoulder and saying sorry.

"Asher Castillo's family," a doctor says, making us all turn to him. We all basically yelled yes at him, making the doc jump. He fixes his glasses and organizes himself. "Very well. What happened to Asher is very serious, but we have been able to stabilize him...for now."

"What do you mean by, 'for now'," Gabby asks.

"Well the knife that cut him had a curse on it that has no cure. We've been able to subdue the curse, but it will eventually kill him. It has already damaged his mind. We've got our best healing castors on the job and the best telepath. We think they will be able to fix his mind, but it will take time and it won't be as it use to," the doctor explains. This makes everyone gasp and Scarlett to faint.

Everyone stays quiet as we take time to process what happened. We all look at each other, waiting for one of us to say something.

"Can we see him," Kai finally asks. The doctor nods his head and tells us where to go.

'Dame are you there' I hear my uncle Aragon ask in my mind.

'Where else would I be? It is my mind' I answer sarcastically. I'm not in the mood to talk to him.

'I inspected the blade that cut him and I have some great news' he says. I gave him the blade since he's a powerful warrior Castor.

'Uncle there isn't anything we can do. He's--'

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