Chapter 13 (New)

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Damien p.o.v.

Somebody walks into the house. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and creamy white skin. He's skinny and looks to be around his 20's, but many magical species look younger than they really are. He has an amuse expression on his face.

Another person walks from behind him looking angry too. He is about 17 and is blonde with blue eyes. he's taller and more muscular than the other guy. "I hate you," the boy yells.

"The feeling is mutual," the guy says back with a smirk. The two walk into the living room and the boy jumps on the couch.

"Why couldn't I have normal parents. Instead of grounding me, you humiliated me in front of my friends," the kid groans, covering his eyes.

The guy chuckles "Maybe this will teach you not to throw parties. Besides Liam, do you really want your mate to find out how bad you were in high school."

"I don't care," the boy grumbles.

The man sighs at, what I think is, his son. "Your father was the same way. He slept with so many woman. Also got a blowjob or two from a guy."

The covered his ears. "Ew, I don't want to here that."

"Well anyways, he now regrets it. He wishes he was a better man. He wasn't a bully or anything, but he wasn't an angel either."

"psh. I would never feel that way, even if I find my mate."

The father grins. "Even if it's Michael," he teases.

The blonde's face turns a little pink. "I-I don't care."

Another boy with raven black emo hair that covered his dark blue eyes walked in. He jumped on the couch with the blonde. "What don't you care about?"

The guy's grin gets bigger. "Well Michael, Liam doesn't care what anybody thinks. Even his mate."

Michael looks over at Liam. "Is that true Lee," the boy asks sadly.

Liam quickly shakes his head. "no Mikey, that isn't true. I care about what you think of me. You're my best friend," he smiles at the boy.

The smaller boy jumps onto Liam and hugs him. "Than how do you know you won't care about what your mate thinks."

"Because my mate isn't you. You're my best friend, till death do us part remember," the guy says.

The dad snorts and walks out of the room. "Not care my ass," he whispers to himself.

When he walks out of the room, I get to see his face better. When I see it, I recognize who he is. He's a little older, but he still looks like him. Eros Castillo.

Eros p.o.v.

I look around the room. It's a little kids room with all sports stuff everywhere and the blue painted walls. The door opens and I turn to look over. A small boy with blonde hair up in a foehawk runs in and hides under the bed. He looks to be around 5 years old.

"Come out come out where ever you are," a man says walking in. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and a really sexy beard. There's a small giggle from under the bed. "Mhm, where could Liam be." He walks over to the bed.

There's some more giggles as the little boy hides. The guy quickly goes under and snatches the boy up and puts him up. "Papa, that isn't fair. You heard me."

The guy chuckles. "you should have been quiet."

"Or.." the boy turns into a cloud of dust, leaving a stuffed toy in his father's hand. The dad looks around for the boy, but can't find him. "I could do that," the boy's voice says from the door.

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