Chapter 19: The Princess Pride

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*Last time, on Total Drama Action. Just when the cast thought they were safe, I swung into surprise, I mean... Antagonize them. The cast were forced to use their creative sides while showing off their backsides as they made superhero costumes out of spandex and some other junks haha nice tights, course they were foiled by the diabolical Pythonicus, the super evil alter ego of the villainous Chef in a fight against evil. The cast proved they could be heroes and also losers, in the end, the most diabolical of them all was (Y/n), sweet, sweet, (Y/n). She managed to convince Courtney when she was offered a proposition. With her plan, she had most of the cast vote for Courtney but in the end, Leshawna went home while Courtney stayed under (Y/n)'s protection--kjsbakjdbak ttotally safe condoms- pleasure not included. Not that kind of protection but you get what I'm saying. Will Harold recover from betraying his homegirl? Will Duncan and Courtney ever hook up? Will (Y/n) and Courtney hook up after (Y/n) realizes that she likes our Goth Queen, Gwen? Maybe? You'll find it out right now, maybe you won't. On another totally dramatic episode of Total. Drama. Action!*

Like the other chapters, I started humming the theme song as the others were playing with the burrito, Duncan was on top of the table, announcing, "Ten more seconds, the biggest burrito wins!" I didn't join in because there were no more burrito left, Courtney was seated in front of me. "Think I'd make a good reality show host?" Duncan asked the two of us, Courtney rolled her eyes and used her PDA, "Excuse me, I'm strategizing." "Oooh," Duncan said like the slytherins in the third movie of Harry Potter. "If you'd strategize, maybe you can manage something more articulate." Duncan mimicked her, as he crossed his arms, "Maybe you could blah blah blah." 

"Times up, co-competitors," Harold announced, his watch beeping. "Hey Linds, what do you got?" Lindsay showed her and Beth's burrito that was belted together. "Did you belt your burrito?" Duncan asked, getting on the ground and walked towards them. "It's a custom friendship bracelet I made to join our two burritos for always and ever." Beth answered. "Weird, disturbing but big-ish, it qualifies."

"Geek wad, you managed to make yours any bigger?" Duncan asked Harold who showed his Leshawna burrito, I mean... Luscious Leshawna burrito making Lindsay and Beth squeal. "Awww, that's so sweet." Both of them said. "Sweet? check out the guns on these beans." Justin said, flexing, his background music started playing out of nowhere but the two girls didn't feel anything, making (Y/n) burst out laughing. "Harold, your pathetic betrayal of puppy love makes me want to hurl but you did make the biggest burrito, so you win." Duncan announced, pointing to the Luscious Leshawna burrito. "This isn't right, I demand a second and third neutral opinion." Justin said, gesturing to Courtney and I. "I pick Harold's luscious Leshawna burrito." I said shrugging as Courtney rolled her eyes once more. "Please, I'm not coming near anywhere near the infected." She says, making Justin panic, "Who's infected? Is there a rash? I can't affort a rash."

"You all have reality-show-itis, a disease which causes people to turn everyday tasks into crazy challenges, thus losing focus on the real competition, which I refused to do." Courtney stated. 

(Confessional On)

Justin: When my good looks went so did my winning edge but Courtney's still managing to kick butt and she's not nearly as good-looking as I am, okay, as I was... which is why I won't bother (Y/n), I can't bother her with my ugliness. 

(Confessional Off)

"You know you're the only one taking the game seriously. I just wish I knew how you did it all. It's so inspirational. " Justin says sucking up to her, I turn to Duncan and I shrug. "Ass licker," I mouthed, making Duncan snort quietly. "Just being me. I'm glad to help." Courtney says. "You could help more if you would tell me all your secrets, like how do you even get through life with all your deformities?" Justin asked, "I don't have any deformities!" "So your answer is denial? okay."

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