Part 1: The Beginning

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(Told in Wills POV.)

As a young child, I was always happy, and full of light. I learned, loved, and lived in happiness. The days passed quickly, and with ease. I loved to exist and be there. As I grew older, reality finally hit me.

It hit me hard.

I was always a happy boy, and my dad is the God of the Sun. My mom was always kind to me, which I loved so much, I loved to grow up as a child.

Of course, there came a day where that feeling stopped, and I wanted to age backwards and relive all of those happy moments....

It was the ironic day, when I found out I was depressed.

Haha, very funny. How could a Son of Apollo EVER be anywhere near depressed? I don't know. I just knew I was depressed. The feelings were new and slowly got worse. I started to feel terrible thoughts enter my head, and I'd go through just horrible thoughts.

I do not wish to speak of those.

But I am depressed in this day and age, and that is all for now.

But of course the story of how it came to be. I was talking to another doctor, and asked them about those symptoms.

"Huh? What brought that on?"
"Oh I'm just curious."
"I see...well those are symptoms of depression."
"Oh. Thank you for telling."

I walked off containing my internal screams of fear and terror. Me? Depressed? That must be a joke! I've had no reason at all for these stupid feelings....but yet I still have them.

I wanted it to be a secret, but of course my crush/friend Nico had to see through it....

Now this is present.

I'm making my way back to my cabin to maybe take a shower and maybe cry a little, maybe take a pill or two? I sighed and walked up to the door and was about to open it then-

"Woah! Hey scared me!"
"Uh-huh. So what's been up with you Will?"
I sighed and smiled brightly. I hated the fake smiles, but it's easier than telling your feelings for sure.
"Not much. Just gonna take a shower."
"Oh okay. Can I come in your cabin and wait for you? I wanna watch a movie with ya and maybe just hang out."
"Sure. That sounds fun."
"You okay? Will you don't sound so upbeat."
"I'm fine."
Classic. I'm lying. I'm not fine, and probably never will be. He looked at me funny, then walked into my cabin and suddenly opened a can of Coke on my couch.

I walked to my bathroom, and got in, and the smile wore off. I saw the real me in the mirror. I muttered, I hate myself, and turned on the shower, and after it warmed up, I got in.

It felt nice. I felt like I was blocked off from the world, and it was good. I could cry in peace without anybody knowing. Hopefully Nico won't notice.

I'm sure he won't.

Nobody actually cares Will.
Nobody loves you.
You are a stupid worthless piece of trash.
Would anyone care if you were gone?
No, you could just die.

I started to silently cry, my soul pouring it's self out, in the form of salty tears. I dropped the shower bottom, and sat there and wept without a sound.

I eventually got out, and I took the pills, and made new cuts on my upper thighs. I hate how fat I am on my thighs. Stupid body.

I got on my lazy sweats and long sweater, and smiled as I walked out the bathroom door.

"Hey Nico-"

He came up to me and looked me in the eye.

"You are not fine Will Solace. You and I know that."

At that point, I just couldn't help it.

I broke.

I burst into tears, and began to sob on his shoulder, he held me in his arms and I should smell the smell of fries, oh how warm and comforting it was to be with him....

I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder, and I remember vaguely he carried me to my bed, and he went to the couch and I could hear his soft snores as we dreamt the night away.

(How did I do??????? Depressed!Will was a new idea and I couldn't resist c:)

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