Part 14: Our First Date

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(Fluffy chapter :3 these cuties omg)

After a few months of dating, kisses, cuddles, and hugs, we decided it was time...

For our first date.

Of course the whole camp wanted to help out with this, but we just wanted to quietly go somewhere fancy but they weren't having it. They would let us go alone and leave us be the whole night. But help us with everything else.

Jason was especially keen on it.

We had decided to go to a nice quiet little restaurant, it was Italian. We both shared the love for good food. It was extremely uptight and fancy, and we were just gonna buy two tux's for the event, but the Aphrodite cabin wasn't having it.

Piper was the leader of putting together our date, along with a few other girls and guys.

After maybe a few hours of them dressing us up and gossiping as they did so (we almost lost it in the process, Nico was about to scream when he had someone put his hair in a ponytail, I've never laughed so hard, it was adorable) and then they finally finished.

Not gonna lie, this is what I thought as soon as I saw Nico in his tux.

He looked too good to be a mortal, so I thought at first it wasn't him, it was some god I didn't know about. Then I realized.

It seemed impossible, as if I was dreaming. He couldn't possibly be anywhere near mine.

But he was.

I felt like my heart was gonna burst. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but people were watching.

He was wearing a velvety black tux, he seemed to have a professional aura about him, but in a way it seemed causal, and it made him seem like he was a kind and good person.

Well. He is without the suit.

He just seemed so different than usual, just he seemed more perfect.

But I enjoyed his usual, handsome self, just as much. Maybe even more.

When he smiled at me, my heart melted on the spot. He was too cute.

"You look so handsome Will, it's unbelievable."
"You're one to talk. When I looked over I thought you were a god."

He blushed, and smiled slightly at my comment, and I couldn't take it.

I mumbled a 'fuck it' under my breath, and walked up to him and started to kiss him passionately. I felt his face heat up, but he melted into the kiss, and we kissed for a bit until we realized that we were doing this in front of the whole Aphrodite cabin.

We stopped kissing, and slowly looked over in horror of what there would be.

We saw that everyone had their phones out, pretending to text, when they were actually filming it.

We flipped them off, and ran out of the cabin, and Nico shadow traveled us a block away from the restaurant so we could chat for a bit along the way.

It was a brisk walk, the air becoming cold as the Sun settled down for the night, and we could see it peeking out of the horizon in the distance.

We held hands to keep warm, and walked to the restaurant. It was really beautiful out, the streets dotted with kind faces, and little shops lined up on the sidewalk, we peered into a few of the windows, and saw many things.

Cute little necklaces and bracelets, along with big fluffy teddy bears, with pink hearts in their arms. It was such a nice little street, it made me forget the cold because of the kindness warming my soul.

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