Part 17: Garden

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(Idk what this chapter is haha)


Aren't they wonderful?

I had a nice rest of the day with Nico, after cleaning up all of the trash in that stream. We relaxed for the rest of the day.

But today...we had something else in mind.


What better way to relieve stress huh?

We went to the community garden, not the camp half blood one, and it was practically empty. There was only one person there, and it was a bored teenaged staff member, who had really pretty purple hair.

We went into the garden, and since you could pick flowers (if it was stated, if it was not obviously you could not) and do whatever you'd like with them!

Roses, tulips, lilies, iris's, etc. They had so many beautiful flowers, but all I could focus on was him.

The warmth of his hand, his bright smile pulling me to go pick some daisies as the girl watched us while smiling, I was so in love with everything about him.

He was perfect. The smile, the way he looked, his personality, he was absolutely AMAZING. I can't say it enough. I never will be able to.

The garden was actually quite big, and I loved looking around and seeing all kinds of colorful flowers, all neatly planted in nice little rows.

It smelled sweet, and also like fresh dirt. All the flowers were wet with morning dew, and we eventually went to go pick the roses.

Some were to keep, and put in a nice vase. Those were the black and yellow ones (I think you can tell which would go to which cabin). We used the pink, red, and white roses for flower crowns, which was a popular activity at this place.

They had bent sticks left out in a pile for those who wanted nice flower crowns and not ones that were extremely shitty. We took two of the circular shaped sticks, and took them and went to go pick roses.

There were so many, it was amazing. Lots of wonderful roses, all perfect in their own little way. He was serious about flower crowns, it was a very serious business (obviously. if you thought not...are you even paying attention?)

We were picking them and lacing them onto our sticks, when I heard him let out a small shout of pain.

"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine I just pricked myself. No biggie."
"Here, lemme see."

He gave me his finger, and I kissed it lightly, and looked up to see him blushing. I grinned, he's so adorable.

"W-What if someone saw that? We haven't come out to anyone but our camp..."
"It's fineeeee. Nobody's looking. We can do whatever we'd like."
"Okay. If you say so...."

I smirked at him, and sucked on his finger getting rid of the blood. He reddened even more, and I laughed.

"You son of a bitch."
"My name is Will, thank you very much."
"Sassy are we?"
"Yes I am, Death Boy."
"Shut up."
"Make me."
"I will."

We placed our unfinished flower crowns down, and started to passionately kiss.

I was very happy with it, but alas, nothing lasts forever.

We finished up our flower crowns and laid on the field beside the community garden, and we started to talk.

"'s your depression?"

I thought for a bit before answering, as it is a sore topic.

"I'm doing better. Every now and then I relapse, but that doesn't stop me. Falling in love with you helps, and I'm learning to fall in love with myself."
"That's good."
"How are you Nico? You never talk about yourself."

I was honestly curious, and there was a long silence.

"I'm okay. You know...I've never told you this. But I'll tell you now..."

Ooh. I wonder what's up?

"I struggle with a mental illness too."
"Okay...what is it? Is it serious?"
"...yes. I only found out recently, when I started to show some symptoms and one of your sisters pulled me aside out of worry and curiosity."

This must be pretty serious. I'm honestly intrigued.

"I've got schizophrenia. It was triggered by being trapped in a jar with nothing but pomegranate seeds for a long period of time. My symptoms are showing slightly, but only slightly. They are not that bad....yet."

I was surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

I stood up, and grabbed him by the hand, and walked him back to our camp, back to his camp.

I laid him on his bed, and I laid next to him, and I put his head on my heart, and kissed his forehead.

"You'll be alright Sunshine, you'll always be alright."

He fell asleep with a smile plastered on his cute little face, and I could tell his dreams were of freedom and happiness, as he remained blissful throughout the rest of the afternoon.


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