Attitude Problems

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I am not going to bore you with the rules and consequences we talked about during dinner. I took in the information better than I thought I did and I reacted better than any of us thought I would. The rest of the evening was spent watching a movie, having a family game night, and listening to a heck of a lot of One Direction music.

(Time Jump... 2 months later.)

We had just left the house to go to the airport. It was 5 in the morning, and our flight left at 7 am. We were on our way to Australia to start off our 3-month long world tour. I was definitely not a morning person back then. I was very grumpy and didn't really say anything. Everyone else, on the other hand, was very energetic talking the entire way to the airport. They kept trying to talk to me, but I kept ignoring them. About 15 minutes into the drive, Niall asks me what I am looking forward to the most about the tour. I ignored him, but he kept asking me. Finally, I said something, but it was not what they wanted to hear.


H: (Reached back from the front seat and smacked my thigh.) Julia Marie Payne! You do not talk to anyone that way. I understand that it is early in the morning and you are tired. That does not at all give you the right to be so disrespectful towards Niall, who just asked you a simple question. So, right now you are going to apologize to Niall, then when we get on the plane, you and I are going to have a little chat. Is that understood?

M: Whatever. I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up when we get to the airport.

Z: You can go back to sleep after you apologize to Niall.

M: (Mumbled) I'm sorry, Niall. (Sarcastically) Happy now?

Z&H: Yes, thank you for cooperating. Drop the attitude, though.

M: (Respectfully) Yessir. I'm sorry.

D: That's better. You were about 5 seconds from having a chat with me as well on the plane.

The rest of the trip was silent. I think everyone fell asleep after I had apologized. When we got there it took a long time to get through security and to the boarding place. I was not excited about what was coming when we got on the plane. That 45-minute wait was the longest wait of my life. When our flight was finally called, we got up and boarded. We had our own compartment on the plane, so I was relieved that no one would see my punishment.

(Another update. As you can probably tell, I will be updating every day or two, so stay tuned for the actual punishment tomorrow or Sunday. Thank you for your support. Also, feel free to send me any requests you have. I am running low on ideas myself. Byeeee :)

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