Huge Surprise

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Over the next week or so, I was singing literally everywhere I went. Even if I was at the doctor's office I was still singing to see if I could make the visit any more enjoyable. About a week after I sang for the boys, my dad called a family meeting because he said he had some big news for us.

M: What's the big news Dad?

D: Well, let's just say that we will be moving to LA for a few months.

H: Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?

D: Well, that depends. What do you think I am talking about?

N: Are you saying that Julia got a spot on The Voice?

D: Yep! Blind auditions start in a week, so we would have to leave within the next couple of days. That is if you are still interested.

M: You're joking! Are you serious, Dad?

D: This is completely legit. You have a chance to show off your amazing talent to some of the most known musicians in the country.

M: Were you all in on this?

L, H, N, Z: What, no! We would never keep a secret from you.

I gave them my "Mom" look, which they knew so well, given how much I used it.

H: Ok, ok. Your father was the main mastermind, but he told all of us to keep this a secret from you.

M: I figured.

I hugged each of them and then went upstairs to video chat with my friends for maybe half an hour until it was time for dinner. After dinner, we all spent the rest of the evening packing for LA and watching movies. The day could not have been any better.

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