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The next day, I was woken up by someone shaking me.

??: Wake up, Jules. We have to leave for the airport in an hour.

M: What time is it?

I look over at my alarm clock, which reads 7:30 a.m

M: 5 more minutes?

Z: Sorry, no can do. We all know that you take the longest to get ready, so you need to get up and get in the shower.

M: I want to sleep. Go away.

At that moment, Dad and Harry walked by.

D: Julia Marie, get up now and get in the shower, or you'll be sitting by me on the plane with a sore bottom.

M: Fine. I'm up. Happy now?

Z, D: Very. But lose the attitude.

I slowly got up and stretched. I then went over to my closet and picked out a cute outfit. I took that to the bathroom with me. When I got out of the shower, I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. Altogether, it took me about 40 minutes to get ready. When I went downstairs, everyone was waiting for me, fully dressed and everything.

L: Look who's finally awake and dressed. Are you ready to go, Jules?

M: Yeah. I am gonna get on a video call with my friends before we leave. I'll be back down in 15 minutes.

D: Gotcha. Have fun. Tell your friends I said hi.

M: Will do. See you in a few.

I went back upstairs and called my friends. We all talked and laughed for the next little while. I kind of lost track of time until there was a knock on my door. I looked over at my alarm clock again. It was 8:36.

M: Crap! Sorry to cut this short, guys, but I have to leave for the airport.

??: Good luck, Jules. You are going to kill it. Text us when you land, please. Be safe.

I got off the call and went downstairs with Niall. We got in the car and drove off to the airport to start the next adventure in our lives.

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