The Audition Song

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The next day, I spent the morning packing for the trip. After lunch, Dad and I went down to the basement. I wasn't sure why we were down there, until the door opened. As soon as I stepped in the room, I knew exactly what we were doing here. They had made their basement one big recording studio. Liam wanted to help me choose a song for my audition. To start the process, he sat at the piano and started going up and down the scale to help me find my range. Once we had found my range, we started researching songs that would sound the best in my range. We each threw out a few ideas and then we narrowed it down to a couple. After narrowing the list down to 2-3 songs, went through each of them a couple times to know exactly which one I was going to be singing for the audition. After 2 hours of trying to find that perfect song, we settled on My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. I was really bored by the time we had chosen, but Dad insisted on practicing a few more times to make sure it was perfect.

M: Come on, Dad. We've already sang it at least 2 times. Isn't that enough?

D: Nope. Speaking from experience, you want to practice as many times as you possibly can, so that there is less chance of messing something up during the actual performance.

M: Can we at least take a break for a little bit? I'm really bored.

D: Alright. We can put it on pause for now, but be back down here in 1 hour.

We went back upstairs to relax for a bit, but I "lost track of time", and wasn't downstairs in time. Dad was not happy about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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