Mincinno x Dancer! Reader

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Requested by the lovely corvid, @theWirdOne!~

(Srry if this took a while, my attention has been taken by the Sun & Moon anime, Demon Slayer, and the fact my Pokémon Legends: Arceus game is a possible mere 5-minute drive from my hands. (Roads didn't get cleared so mail didn't run fml))

Region: Galar
(Sword & Shield)

~Taking My Place?!~

You lifted up onto your toe, spinning a few times before coming to a stop and bending backwards in an elegant pose.
"Min-in-in-cinno!" Your chinchilla Pokémon chirped as it copied your movement with practiced ease.
"Good job, Minci!" You praised with a soft giggle, bending back upright before bounding forward in a complex beat of steps, looking like a light prance before you twirled into a new position.
And like usual, your lovely Pokémon copied your moment with ease.
You had been practicing more and more today, seeing as a dance for the new champion of Galar was tomorrow.
Deciding to go through your part one last time for the day, you did a few stretches before getting into position.
"Okay, Mincinno. I'm gonna do the dance all in one go, so give me some room, yeah?"
"Min!" Your Pokémon nodded, dashing over to your bag to replay the music and watch from the sidelines.
Taking a deep breath, and glancing around to make sure the other dancers in the large room weren't going to collide with you, you stretched up into your toes, and slid easily into the first few steps.
It was going well, no doubt you'd be flawless in your part of the dance.
Until you leaped into the air, and felt your foot buckle underneath you as you landed.
You hit the hard wood floor with a harsh thwack! and soon the pain in your ankle began to grow.
A few tears slipping down your face, you sat up, seeing your ankle. It wasn't broken, thankfully, but definitely twisted and in need of an ice pack and rest.
"No... not now!" You whimpered, not even realizing the other dancers had come to check on you. Mincinno sat by your foot, sniffing it and trying to figure out what to do.
"(Y/n) what happened?!"
"I-I... my ankle gave out." You muttered pitifully, "I don't think I'll be able to do my part tomorrow."
Worried mutters erupted at that, one of the other dancers coming over to carefully remove your tight shoe and replace it an ice pack to your swelling ankle.
"Do we have anyone that can take my place?" You asked, worry growing as the others shook their heads.
You all looked over towards your Pokémon, who stood as tall as she could with her chest puffed out, her expression determined.
"But Mincinno's a Pokémon! It can't—"
"She's the only other one that knows the moves and has perfected them like I have!" You cut them off, shifting a bit before reaching up to take the decorative flower out of your hair, placing it on Mincinno's head. "She can take my place."

And take your place she did. When thd curtains opened to your team's portion, your Pokémon stood tall, no ounce of stage fright as she twirled and spun around, copying your part to an exact beat. The crowd erupted into applause once your group was over, roses being thrown.
You couldn't help but smile, seeing how happy your Pokémon was to dance. You need to suggest to your instructor to let Pokémon dance more often.

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