Swampert x Reader

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Requested by the lovely corvid @Zheni14!~

Region: Alola
(Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon)

~ Tropical Holiday ~

A soft sound left you as you stretched in the slightly uncomfortable plane seat. You were getting ready to land soon, you could already see the four islands from your window!
You gently patted your bag, waking up your Swampert from inside its Pokéball.
"Almost there, bud." You hummed, glancing down at the red and white capsule that rested comfortably in your bag, "Shouldn't be too long now."
You looked back out the window, an awed expression on your face as you saw the palm trees, and how one of them moved to reveal an Alolan Exeggutor.
"Passengers," your attention was torn away from the tropical view as a voice rang over the intercom, "please remain seated until the plane has fully stopped. Other than that, please enjoy your stay in Alola!"
You went through all the necessities, getting your suitcase and heading out into Hau'oli City. As soon as there was room, you let Swampert out of its pokéball, letting the water/ground-type get some fresh, Alolan air.
"Swwwaaaaamp!" It trilled, smiling up against the tropical sun and salty sea breeze.
"Haha! Feels good to finally be able to stretch, huh?" You laughed, reaching up to pat your buddy on the head before digging out the map you grabbed from inside the airport. "Alriiight... it says our motel should be out on Route 2. So let's go there to put our stuff away!"

You'd finally gotten to the motel on Route 2, eyeing the Mantine Surfing area on the beach with interest.
"We've got an entire two weeks to spend. What do you say, Swampert? Wanna check out the Mantine Surfing?"
With a wide grin, you and your trusty Pokémon ran down the steps to the beach, seeing the Mantine waiting by the shoreline.
As well as what looks to be some unwanted guests.
"Listen! Team Skull claims these Mantine as theirs, so move aside, lady!" Some thug-looking teen shouted, dressed in black and white.
"Absolutely not!" The woman snapped back, "These Mantine are for everyone to ride! Not to be used for whatever whims Team Skull grunts like you have!"
"Bro, she did not just say that!" The second grunt spoke, turning to his partner next to him.
"I think she did, bro! She must be wanting a battle!"
"I'll be your opponent!" You shouted, your words being backed by your Swampert's battle cry.
"Ohoho! Now that's a rare Pokémon!" One grinned from under his bandana.
"Screw those Mantine! Let's take her Swampert!"
The two of them sent out a Salandit and a Garbodor, to which Swampert knocked out with just one Surf.
Paling quickly, the two Team Skull grunts recalled their Pokémon, inching their way to the steps to leave.
"Y-You just got lucky is all!"
"Y-Yeah! You'll be s-sorry for this!"
You watched the two of them running faster than you could possibly comprehend, before turning back to the swimmer lady.
"Are you and the Mantine alright?"
"Oh we're quite fine! Thank you very much for helping us!" She smiled, reaching out to pat your Swampert.
You smiled warmly in return, waving off her thanks. "Oh it's no problem at all! I'm just glad to help."
She then turned back to you. "Well, welcome to Mantine Surfing! If you're interested, your first go is free of charge since you helped us!"

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