Banette! Reader x Mimikyu

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Apologies this took a while! Been bouncing around in my hobbies.

Requested by the lovely corvid, @ASunny1!~

Also your choice if you wished to be referred to as Banette, your name, or a nickname!

You giggled as you darted around in the shadows, playfully hiding the several Team Skull caps you snatched up in various places.
You were a common sight in the rainy place of Po Town, often seen as a neighborhood pet of sorts. You played harmless pranks on the Team Skull grunts there, or even joining them on indoor rainy days to watch movies or play games.
You were still a wild Pokémon, too quick to be caught. The Grunts all agreed anyway to let you be, and occasionally you'd be fed special treats or taken care of if you got stuck out in the rain and gotten sick.
You found it endearing how they told you to hide away whenever a trainer stopped by, clearly not wanting you to be beaten up for experience or worse, captured for some stupid Trial Goer.
"(Name)! Where you run off to?! Bring back our caps!"
You laughed again, quick to slip into the old run down Pokémon Center, dropping the caps into a cardboard box.
After you were satisfied with the hiding spot, you ventured out the main gate of Po Town, planning on snacking on your berry stash by the tree.
You perked up to the sad, lonely cry, glancing around the dreary clearing with a slight frown on your face.
You spotted a Mimikyu in the bush, looking a bit worn for wear. Feeling bad for the fellow ghost type, you waved it over, plucking a few Sitrus berries out of your stash to offer.
The Mimikyu looked a bit hesitant, but nonetheless ventured out of the bush, quietly taking the offered berries with a thankful chirp.
You spent time with the Mimikyu for a while, chatting about nothing in your own little Pokémon ways.
You learned it wasn't well liked, simply based on a dumb rumor about it killing its previous trainer and how it's shunned for the old ghost stories in the history books.
Oh how angry you were, some people just didn't know a good Pokémon even if they tripped over one!
After a bit of convincing the nervous Mimikyu, you led it into Po Town, determined to make it and the Team Skull grunts fast friends.
You spotted Plumeria soon enough, watching over her little siblings as they roughhoused.
"Ban! Ban!"
Plumeria looked over, smiling at you before making her way over.
"Make a new friend, Banette?"
You gestured for Mimikyu to shake Plumeria's awaiting hand, and the Mimikyu timidly took her hand in its own shadowy one.
In no time at all, mostly thanks to Plumeria, the grunts were coming over to check out your new friend, and you could tell Mimikyu couldn't be happier. Slowly but surely, it was coming out of its shell, soaking in all the comments from the grunts on how cool it looked.

The sun had begun to set, you were showing Mimikyu around Po Town some more when you saw the gate open.
A Trial Goer had come to challenge Guzma it seemed. You had overheard the grunts talking about a problem trainer.
A glance over showed Mimikyu bristling, glaring daggers at the Pikachu on the trainer's shoulder.
You grinned, quick to follow Mimikyu's lead, after all, why not have some fun with this problem trainer?
With you, Mimikyu, and the grunts that quickly joined in to gang up, the trainer was overwhelmed and forced to retreat. Mimikyu chirped happily, running circles around you in joy over its victory.
Team Skull had awarded you both with as many treats as you could eat (well, as many treats as they could buy), and soon enough you and Mimikyu became the well known ghosts of Po Town, scaring off pesky trainers and playing pranks together.

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