Chapter 2

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When I woke up, I was feeling really sore. All part of my body was aching and I felt dizzy. I got up slowly and looked around me. I wasn't in my room. Panic washed through me and my heart started to beat faster. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the door. Locked. I turned around and watched the room carefully, before I regonized it. My eyes widened in shock. I was in Alpha Rudolf's room. The man I was forced to marry. But most of all, I was in another packs' territory. Before I could do anything, the door opened and I turned around. My eyes were wide open and I gasped. Rudolf was standing a few inches in front of me, smirking a little.

"Well good morning princess, you finally decided to wake up." Rudolf said, taking a step closer.

"Go away from me, and leave me alone !" I said as I took a step back.

"You didn't even say good morning to me, ouch." He said, holding his chest dramatically and pouting.

"I don't fucking care." I said slowly and watching him straight into his eyes. I could feel my wolf fighting for control, but I didn't want to give that to her. Not yet,

"What did you just say ?" His eyes narrowed and he took another step closer, whilst I took a step back.

"I said;" With every word I say, his eyes turned into more darker colour.

With one swift move, he was pinning me to the wall and growling loudly.

Damn possessive males.

"Listen girly, we're getting married in 3 days. You do not disrespect me. I'm going to be your Alpha and husband, and you have to obey me." His tone was deadly serious and suddenly I felt very nervous. BRAIN, STOP IT ! YOU CAN'T BETRAY ME NOW!  I laughed nervously.

"And why do you think that I would obey you ?" I cocked my eyebrow and looked him slowly up and down. I gained a furious growl straight to my face and being pushed harder to the wall. Rudolf's normally blue eyes, were now pitch black and his wolf has taken control.


"You do NOT disrespect me. You WILL obey me. I AM your future Alpha and husband. You WILL listen to me kitten, no matter what. ?"

I was speechless. I couldn't think anything to say back to him, so I just nodded my head, praying that he will let go off of me. 

"Good girl. Now, get dressed, dinner in 5mins." Rudolf said, and pressed forcefully his lips to mine and walked away. I almost sighed in relief, but he turned around.

"One more thing kitten, don't you dare to escape from me." With that, he finally left the room and closed the door behind him.

I have to get out of here.


Did you really think that the chapter would end here ? 

Gotcha (;

I nervously walked out of the room, and followed Rudolf's scent. It wasn't hard to find him. When I stepped in the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks. There was a table for two, a candle on the table, a waitress waiting and romantic music playing. My heart almost melted, but then I remembered who the person was who did this. I covered quikly my face with a cold expression. I was just about to take a step forward when suddenly, two arms sneaked behind me around my waist. I screamed and tried to remove those hands.

"Calm down kitten, it's just me." Rudolf low voice said behind me.

Instantly I relaxed a little.

Wait what.

He's my fucking kidnapper and I'm relaxing in his arms !? Oh dear lord. There's seriously something wrong with me. 

"Uhmm.. You can let go now." I said little awkwardly.

"No." Rudolf said stubbornly.

"Damnit Rudolf get your filthy paws off of me." I snapped back.

My eyes widened in shock. I did not just say that out loud.

Rudolf growled furiously, before lifting me over his shoulder.

Apparently I did.

"You do not talk to me like that !" He snapped and began walking.

"I talk the way I like. I'm not yours. You can't have a word in it." GOOD JOB KIERA, MAKE THINGS EVEN WORSE !

Next thing I knew, I was threw on a bed and Rudolf was on top of me.

"Wrong reply kitten."

Rudolf brought his lips to mines, and started kissing roughly. Fear washed trough me and I tried to push him away, but he was much stronger than me.

"Please stop." I managed to say between the kisses. The only answer I got, was Rudolf growling against my lips and him starting to kiss me even harder and more roughly. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore him. 

My eyes flew open, when Rudolf ripped my shirt off and pulled my pants down, leaving me only in my underwears.

"NO STOP IT !" I said in panic when I realized what he was going to do.

"Don't sturggle, and you won't get hurt."

"No I-" I was cut off by his lips pressing in mines. I was so distracted that I didn't even notice when he tied me, until it was too late. He had me tied to his bed, and I'm just in my underwears. Oh great.

Soon, we were both completely naked. Rudolf had a huge smirk on his face.

"Do you still think that you're not mine ?" He asked smirking evily.

"I sure do. You are not a mate of mine." I growled furiously as I tried to untie my hands. I was struggling like my life depended on it. Well it pretty much did. I watched in fear when Rudolf's eyes turned pitch black.

"Mine." He growled, before he forced him inside of me.

I screamed in pain, before I gave into the darkness.


uhmm.. hi

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