Chapter 6

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I was sleeping peacefully, when something loud went on next to my ear and sent me to the ground with an 'oompf'. I tilted my head up, glaring at my attacker.

"Saxon what the hell?!" I growled annoyed. One more thing about me, I don't like to be wakened up, I prefer to wake up myself.

"Jordan said that I need to wake you guys up." Saxon replied smirking down at me.

"By using an air honk next to my ear?" 


"Uncool Saxon, uncool." I said and pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't be so childish and get up.. You too Bellatrix." Saxon said and walked out.

"Don't use my whole name." Bella mumbled, with her face in a pillow.

"Don't be so dramatic and get up loser." I said and got up from the ground.

"Hmmmhm." Was all she answered.

"Get up now, or I'll drag you out of my room and throw to the pool." I threatened.

"Don't be silly and let me sleep."

"I'll count to 3."



"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"3, nope."

I jumped on the bed and took Bella's legs and began dragging her. She fell from the bed with an loud 'thump' and hit her head. oopsie

"NO PLEASE STOP IT LET ME GOOO!" Bella screamed and tried to kick her legs free.

"Nice try babe." I smirked

"Oh no, no, NO!! PLEASE KEIRA DON'T!" I ignored her protesting and continued dragging her. On my way to the pool, Jordan walked pass us. He cocked an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

"Please Kiera, I'm begging you." Bella pleaded.

"Nuh uh." I said. Soon I reached the pool and smirked evily.

"Have nice swimming." I said, and pushed Bella to the freezing cold water. When se resurfaced I was laughing my ass off. You should have seen her face! (:D)

"You BITCH!" Bella screamed.

"That's what you get from not believing me." I said smiling sweetly to her.

"..Okay, maybe I deserved it." Bella said smiling lightly.

"C'mon loser, I'm hungry." I said and turned to walk to the kitchen.

"Uhmm.. I need a little help here, you know." Bella said behind me. Groaning I turned around.

"Ask someone else to help you, I'm starving." With that, I turned and walked to the kitchen, leaving a protesting and wet Bella behind me. I'm so good friend, I thought smirking.

"What's with your face?" Drake asked, when I entered the kitchen.

"Oh nothing." I said smiling.

"Wait, where's Bella?" He asked.

"Oh, she's in the pool, I dropped her in there." I said casually and plopped myself down on a chair, grabbing an apple. Drake's jaw hit the floor and Jake bursted out laughing. Without words, Drake ran out of the door, probably to save his precious mate. I chuckled at that and took a bite from my apple. Another thing about me, I love apples.

"Dude, that was the best thing ever!" Jake said clutching his stomach.

"I know right." I replied and laughed.

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