Chapter 5

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I was running really fast. Like really really fast. I mean like REALLY fast. Well I think you get what I mean. The wind was blowing in my ears. I dodged roots after roots, rocks after rocks and bushes after bushes. My mind was empty. I couldn't think anything. 2 years I have avoided succesfully my old pack, but espeacially Rajiv. Oh my sweet Rajiv.. Those deep brown eyes that I get so easilly lost. And oh the sweet six pack- STOP IT KIERA. As I was saying, well thinking, or.. I don't know. ANYWAY. No one has came looking or asking for me. Maybe no one even cared about me. Maybe even my parents didn't care about me. Maybe it was all an act. Yes, that's what it has to be. An act. It's funny how I'm actually happy that no one came after me. At first, I was kinda sad and dissapointed, but it didn't take long for me to see the good side of it. I didn't have to go back.

When Jordan accepted me in his pack, I was an outcast for awhile. I completely shut myself from the others and I was always alone. I was hidden in my shell. Me and my wolf were having a hard time. We were seperated from our mate. Some nights, I felt a huge pain in my chest. My mate sleeping with others. First, I was scared out of my mind, because the pain was incredible and I blacked out every time, but now I have learned to ignore it. I still want Rajiv back, even tho he rejected me, and I accepted it. I will always want him, no matter what. Jordan was the one, who broke my shell. But me being the stubborn ass I am, it took him 5 months. I didn't talk to anybody, but when I did, I was rude. Yes, I just admitted that I was rude. Even tho Jordan was the one who broke my shell, the first person I talked was Saxon. From that moment, he has been my best friend, along with Jordan. What comes to the pack, I'm now the third in command and responsible for the training with Will. Will is the third closest person for me. I love him like a brother. But now, back to what I was doing.

My heart was beating incredible fast and my paws were hurting. But that didn't stop me. I was used to feel pain. I came to the clearing and finally stop and crushed down breathing heavily. I hid my head under my white paws. I started whimpering softly. I tried so hard not to, but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. Maybe the quote 'The hardest tower will fall in the end' is true. (A/N I'm not even sure if that is a real quote. lol.) My whimpering was coming now like loud puffs. After laying there long enough, I stood up weakly and began my way back to the pack house.


"Oh my god Kiera!" Jordan yells, when I step inside of the pack house. He rushes over to me, Saxon behind him and they both tackles me to the ground with a bone crushing hug.

"Can't.. breathe.." I managed to say. Instantly Jordan and Saxon loosens their grips, but still keep hugging me.

"I'm so sorry.." Jordan keeps repeating tears streaming down his face. Oh c'mon, don't be that shocked. Not all alphas are cruel and tough.

"Hey, shh.. I forgive you." I said softly. I think that Jordan was about to say something, but Saxon cuts him off.

"Damnit Kierabear, you almost gave me an heart attack."

"Well excuse the shit out of me." I replied smiling.

"Naaaaaw we have our old Kiera back." Jordan coos.

"Listen boys, as much as I like having a nice group hug, I'm squeezed down here, so could you please let me go?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Nope." They both said in unison, smirking down at me.

"Please?" I said pouting.



"Guys, has Kiera come-" Will says turning around of the corner, stopping in the middle of the sentence and watching the scene in front of him with eyes widen in shock

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