Chapter 4

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2 years later

"William get your fat ass down here right now !" I yell at the top of my lungs. Urgh I hate it when people are late. 

"William !!" I still didn't got any answers. God damnit.  

"William, this is the last warning. If you don't get your ass down here right now, I will make sure that the training is going to be hell for you !" My patience was long gone now. I just can't stand it when people are late. I waited for 5 seconds before storming to the direction of Will's bedroom. When I turned around of the corner I bumped into something.  

"Watch it !" I snapped, not even bothering to look who I ran into. 

"Ouch. Harsh." The voice chuckled and immediately I reconized it as my best friend's. Saxon. 

"Well damn it Saxon, watch it !" I snapped. I didn't want to be bitchy but I was angry. One wrong word, and I will explode. 

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you down there." Saxon said smirking. That's it. 

"I am NOT short Saxon. You are the fucking Eiffel tower ! It's not my fault that your face is so ugly that it scares away all the girls and i'm the only girl here. And I don't get it who would want to date a Eiffel tower. So why don't you shut up and show it up your ass mister." I growled. I'm sick of being called short. It's not my fault that all the guys here are freaking huge ! And since I'm the only girl who lives in the pack house, i'm obviously the shortest.  

"Oi don't compare me to a tower ! And there's nothing wrong with my face or height." Saxon said sounding offended. Damn boys and their big egos. 

"Yeah yeah whatever. But since you're here, you can help me." I said smiling evily. 

"Uh oh, I know that look." Saxon said, grinning. "What are we going to do this time ?" 

"Well you know how much I hate people being late and Will and the others are not up already, so .." Saxon caught up quikly  

".. We are going to wake them up." He finished my sentence smirking. 

"Exactly." I replied with a smirk of my own.


After going trough our plan two more times we were ready to start. So basically our plan is to wake them up very 'nicely' Saxon has a pan and a wooden fork, which he is going to bang together many times and as loud as possible. And me, I have many waterballoons in a basket. And if you know me and Saxon you would know that inside of the waterballoons isn't only water. There is ice cold water and very sparkly and colourful glitter that will stick on the skin. And being the great friends me and Saxon are, we put oil on the hallway so when everyone comes out of their rooms, pretty sure very pissed, they will step on the floor and fall. Ha ! Don't ever be late from my training. 

"Ready ?" Saxon asked. 

"Ready." I said smiling. They are going to be soooooo pissed.

Let the game begin.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UUUUUUUUUPPP !!!!" Saxon yells at the top of his lungs, while banging the pan with the wooden fork. I had to bit my tongue so that I wouldn't crack up laughing. He looked so funny. Saxon continued yelling and banging and soon, as I thought, people started to come out of their rooms, including Will.

My turn.

I smirked and started to throw the waterballoons at everyone and AGAIN, as I thought, they stepped on the hallway. And because we have put oil on the floor, people fell over. Saxon and I bursted out laughing. The look on Will's face was so hilarious.  

I want you, but you don't want meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora