Chapter 7

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I looked him straight in the eyes. His face was shocked - priceless. I bit down my tongue so I wouldn't laugh.

"Kiera?" He asked still shocked. Gee, what is it from people not recognising me? I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Well done Sherlock!" I said sarcasm dripping from my words. I noticed how his eyes trailed down my naked body. He was completely eye raping me.

"Hey" I said snapping my fingers in front of his face. "My eyes are up here." I finished, clearly annoyed and pointed to my eyes.

He snapped out of his thoughts and his eyes turned cold. "What are you doing here?" He spat out.

wait what

A few seconds ago he was crying over me, checking me out and now he's being harsh.  

Bipolar much?

I took a step back confused. "I-I am here for helping your pack." I said unsure.

"I know that, you wanker. I mean here" he motioned the clearing where we were currently "in the woods? In my private place?"

"I came for a run."

"Well don't! You don't have my permission!" He shouted. I flinched back in fear.

"And besides, we don't need YOUR help!" Rajiv said, extending 'your' and pointing to me. I don't know what came over me. All I saw was red. Maybe it was the fact that everybody said that they didn't want my help.

"Listen here you little piece of shit! I came here to help your so 'mighty' pack, because when your pack member were under attack and they needed their Alpha's help, HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! HE DID NOTHING, BUT SLEPT WITH HIS WHORES! YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WHEN YOUR PACK MEMBERS DIED! YOU'RE THEIR ALPHA! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THEM, NOT LET THEM DIE INFRONT OF YOUR FUCKING EYES! YOU'RE PATHETIC! YOU DON'T FUCKING DESERVE TO BE AN ALPHA! YOU'RE-" *SLAP" My head flew to the side with so much force that I heard a crack. Ever so slowly I turned my head back to Rajiv, who looked ready to kill.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" He growled furiously.

"You were supposed to be my mate. You were supposed to love me, and protect me from any harm. But you know what Rajiv, you are the one who causes the harm. And the worst part is, that I still love you. After all the crap you've put me trough, I still love you. And it kills me to know that I want you, but you don't want me." I said looking him straight in the eyes. I turned around and began walking away. I felt a bang in my chest, because he didn't stop me.

"I don't even understand how your pack's members respect you and follows your lead." I whispered before I disappeared to the forest.

Rajiv's POV (A/N I'm trying something new (; )

"Kiera?" I asked suprised from the wolf infront of me.

The wolf changed back into its human form. "Well hello Rajiv. Long time no see." Kiera said smirking.

I was completely suprised. No. I was speechless.

"Kiera?" I managed to got out. I was still shocked. Kiera has changed a lot! She was more beautiful. I mean, Kiera has always been beautiful, but now, she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Well done Sherlock!" She said with sarcasm dripping from her words.

Only now, did I notice that she was completely naked. And damn did she have a nice body! I couldn't help it when I began checking her out. Damn those killer curves. And oh that flat stomach and- wait. Is that a belly button piercing? Huh, I wonder when she got it. Oh man, that girl has some damn nice legs! I wonder how those legs would feel wrapped around me.. What? I'm a guy. And look at-"

I want you, but you don't want meWhere stories live. Discover now