Liam dad want to tell them why are they doing this

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Polo is now talking
"Do you think that we should tell them why?"

Victoria is now talking
"No, I do not think so why do you want to tell them"we made a deal once Liam gets older and needs a new lungs then we will tell him I do not know why he wants to tell him".

Polo is now talking 
"Because we are doing this for him".

Victoria is saying this
"Ok whatever you say you now do you want to come back to bed now".

Polo is saying this
"Oh, you know that I do".

Victoria is saying this
"Do you think that Liam is going to hate us?"

Polo is saying this
"No, I do not I do not believe it I hate that we have to lied because Liam can't know but he will when he is ready".

Victoria is saying this
"I hope you are right I am so hoping he is right".

Polo is saying this 
"Oh, you know that I am I am hoping for the best that Liam will forgive us".

Victoria is saying this
  "Maybe we should call him and tell him thank you we should call to say thank you".

Polo is saying this 
"Yeah, you're right, we should so I got my phone to call him

ring ring

Victoria cousin is saying this

Polo is saying this
"Hey, thank you for doing that today do you think that your boss is not mad?"

Victoria cousin is saying this 
"No, he is not, do not worry about it now you two should go to sleep".

We are both saying 

Victoria cousin is saying this
"See you guys".

Polo is saying this
"Goodnight, babe".

Victoria is saying this

Ricky want to spend time with his family

I am talking who me Liam the main character
"the next day, later April 11 2010".

Ricky is now talking talking to you the reader
"On the 10 of April 2010 aka yesterday night when Liam came to the hospital I was working in till I heard an ambulance sound I got all of my things with me and got my team and we all went to the ambulance". Hey what happened".

One of the ambulance is saying this 
"He can't breathe".

Ricky is saying this
"Ok we got it from here thank you".

Victoria is saying this
"Hi will he be ok yes; he will don't worry let put an Iv on him what kind moonlight let take to you the mir room move".

One of the guy from the Mir room said this
"Got it but this one is a big one but  what is it?"

Ricky is now talking
"Cancer". I am looking at it and I am trying to believe it but I just can't and I not really sure

The Mir man was saying things 
"What kind of cancer?"

Ricky is saying this
"Lung so it is true Liam have lung cancer I still can't believe it but as I am looking at it I know now that it is cancer

The man from the Mir room is saying this

Ricky is saying

The man from the Mir room is saying
  "What stage?"

Ricky tell him with a confused face on him

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