Time to find our what happened

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Ricky is now talking
I let out a big breath. "Don't worry we are almost there, keep on doing it".

Amy is now talking
"Okay I hope nothing will happen to him Ricky".

Ricky is now talking
"Don't worry noting will happen to him I will make sure of it".

Ring ring

Hunter is now talking

Ricky is now talking
"Hunter, I need you to bring a hospital bed for when we come in".

Hunter is now talking

Ricky is now talking
"Please I do not have time to explain". When we arrived,

Hunter is now talking
"Hey what happened".

Ricky is now talking
"I do not know but we need to go now".

Amy is now talking

Ricky is now talking
"Hey go back upstairs I will let you know if anything happens".

Amy is now talking
"No, I am not going upstairs".

Ricky is now talking

Amy is now talking
"Ok I am going but you better take good care of him".

Ricky is now talking
"Don't worry I will, take him now". We went to the MIR room to find out what is going on but first we put the nose tube on him so he can breathe. "hey we have Liam can you find out what is going on".

Roy from the MIR room is now talking
"Ok let's put him on the bed in 3 2 1". I got my things and when I saw it I was surprised. "Oh ok".

Ricky is now talking
"What is it?"

Roy from the MIR room is now talking
"It saw that it has been growing a bit since the last time he came and it is showing that something is smoking in his lungs. Does he smoke?"

Ricky is now talking
"No he does not".

Roy from the MIR room is now talking
"But it does look like he has been smoking".

Ricky is now talking
"But he does not".

Roy from the MIR room is now talking
"Well he might not smoke but I think some people from his school might have been smoking do you think that".

Ricky is now talking
"Yes I do think that we have to get him new lungs. We have been waiting this long and that is not good to leave it in for that long".

Hunter is now talking
"Hey guys and yes I know what you were going to tell me and yes I am going to put him in now".

Ricky is now talking
"Thank you".

Hunter is now talking
"No worries".

Ricky is now talking
"Do you need anything?"

Hunter is now talking
"No, I just want to know what is going on".

Ricky is now talking
"Well we found something that is why we need new lungs".

Hunter is now talking
"Ok which is".

Ricky is now talking
"Someone from his school has been smoking and he might have been breathing it or something that now it is in his lungs".

Hunter is now talking
"Wow well I am going to put him in".

Ricky is now talking
"You did not know what to say so you just said that did you".

Hunter is now talking
"Yes I did".

Ricky is now talking

The lady from the surgery desk is now talking

Doctor Juergens Under Juergens is now talking
"This is doctor Juergens Underwood".

The lady from the surgery desk is now talking
"How are you?"

Doctor Juergens Under Juergens is now talking
"Oh I am good thank you, how about you".

The lady from the surgery desk is now talking
"Oh I am good thank you".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"I called you to see when you can book an operation for Liam. It has grown since the last time and I think it is time".

The lady from the surgery room is now talking
"Do you know that he will get the rest of the symptoms and do you want us to take his lungs, smoke or the tumour".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Yes I know he will get the rest of the symptoms and no not the lungs just the smoke and the tumour".

The lady from the surgery room is now talking
"Oh ok well you are making it sound like you want us to take out his lungs''.

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Oh thank you for telling me now that I am listening now I know that I was but no not the lungs".

The lady from the surgery room is now talking
"Well can I call you back for when are we are ready for him".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Yes that is ok with me thank you". We need to put him in a blood bag for now in till they do his surgery".

Amy is now talking
"Ricky is going on".

Ricky is now talking
"Well it has glowed since the last time and don't worry we already checked".

Amy is now talking
"So what does that mean, does it mean Ricky?"

Ricky is now talking
"Amy, listen to me, are you listening to me?"

Amy is now talking

Ricky is now talking
"We do not know what it is, we do not know what will happen".

Amy is now talking
"Ok when are they going to do it".

Ricky is now talking
"When I get a call back from them".

Amy is now talking
"Can I go and see him?"

Ricky is now talking
"Yes you can".

Amy is now talking
"Oh Ricky, how can you look at him like that?"

Ricky is now talking
"I just do and I do not know how do I look at him like that". That is the thing I don't know how I can look at him like that he is my little boy and it makes me upset but I know that he is going to be ok and that he is here right now with us that how I look at him like this in the hospital bed.

Amy is now talking
"Do you think after the surgery he will not have it anymore?"

Ricky is now talking
"You know it is not like that".

Amy is now talking
"So what really happened to him?"

Ricky is now talking
"He got smoke in his lungs which is not good for him so they are going to take it out of him and also take some of his tumour".

Amy is now talking
"Why don't they take it all out".

Ricky is now talking
"Because it will damage his lungs and that is bad for him".

Ring ring

Ricky is now talking
"I better take this".

Amy is now talking
"Yeah I will be here".

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