Zeke might be coming

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Zeke is now talking

Ricky is now talking
"Hey Zeke, this is Ricky". Why am I saying that he knows who I am.

Zeke is now talking
"Umm yeah I know who you are I saw your name on the called ID".

Ricky is now talking
"Umm yeah I know I just need to tell you something".

"Ok what is it".

Ricky is now talking
"Well we are opening a new orphanage house and I need someone to be the new owner".

Zeke is now talking
"Why are you telling me this I do not know anyone who can be your new owner".

Ricky is now talking
"Well if you let me finish talking then you would know that I want you to be the new owner".

Zeke is now talking
"Wait what are you serious".

Ricky is now talking
"Yes I am serious so are you going to do it or not".

Zeke is now talking
"Yes, I want to do it".

Ricky is now talking
"Good because we have kids who are already in, so you are in and ok , well I will see you later".

Zeke is now talking
"Ok see you later".

Ricky is now talking
"Hey, do you want me to book you a flight?"

Zeke is now talking
"No thank man I got it".

Ricky is now talking
"Umm Zeke".

Zeke is now talking
"Yes Ricky".

Ricky is now talking
"Liam's cancer is growing and he might die this year".

Zeke is now talking
"Wait what are you serious and what does that mean".

Ricky is now talking
"You know what does this mean Zeke and I look at his MIR and it does not look good he needs new lungs".

Zeke is now talking
"Then why don't you give him new lungs".

Ricky is now talking
"It is not that easy and whoever what to donate one of their lungs then they have to do a test to see if they are a match or not and I know that you are upset, I am upset too but he does not know yet and even if he does did he will not tell anyone that he does have cancer".

Zeke is now talking
"Why will he not tell anyone?"

Ricky is now talking
"I don't even know Zeke".

Zeke is now talking
"I wish he was not like that".

Ricky is now talking
"Yeah me too Zeke me too". I hate looking at him like this and I do not know what is going to happen and once I tell Amy then we will tell the kids including Liam and all I know is that I love Liam as he is my birth son and no matter what and no matter what  happened to him now or later I will always love him now let get back to work.

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