Why is Brn here for

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Amy is now talking
"Ben, what are you doing here".

Ben is now talking
"Relax, I only came here to talk to Ricky".

Amy is now talking
"Well, he is having a shower".

Ben is now talking
"Well do you mind if I wait for him".

Amy is now talking
"If you want to come in, do you want anything to eat?"

Ben is now talking
"Sure, I haven't not eaten yet anyways".

Amy is now talking
"Why not".

Ben is now talking
"Well, I was about to eat in till my dad told me to come here".

Amy is now talking
"Well, here you go".

Ben is now talking
"Thank you hi kids".

"Hi uncle Ben". John and Daisy said together

Ben is now talking
"And who are you little men?"

Jaffa is now talking
"My name is Jaffa".

Ben is now talking
"Well, my name is Ben. It is nice to meet you".

Jaffa is now talking
"You to Ben , have a nice day".

Ben is now talking
"You to Jaffa".

Ricky is now talking
"Wow Amy, why are you standing outside of the bathroom door?"

Amy is now talking
"Because Ben is here".

Ricky is now talking
"For what".

Amy is now talking
"To talk to you".

Ricky is now talking
"About what".

Amy is now talking
"I do not know how to get dressed and come talk to him".

Ricky is now talking
"So umm I got dressed and I went to the living room and saw Ben eating. "Why is Ben here?" I do not know, let go and find out. "Hey Ben".

Benc is now talking
"Oh, hey Ricky".

Ricky is now talking
"What are you doing here, are you ok".

Ben is now talking
"Well, I am here to get something to eat and then I will tell you why I am here and I am ok".

Ricky is now talking to you the reader
"So, we both ate".

Ben is now talking
"Wow this is really good, did Amy cook this".
Ricky is now talking
"No, I did and she just put it in the microwave".

Ben is now talking
"Oh, good because I thought how can Amy cook something that tastes so delicious".

Ricky is now talking
"Well, thank you so, what up".

Ben is now talking
"Well, my dad sent me here and he wants to tell the both of us in his office please".

Ricky is now talking
"Do you know why?"

Ben is now talking
"No, I do not know why".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok well let me eat then we can go yeah". So, I did not eat but now I get to eat now I was done eating then we went to talk to Mr Boykwhich".

Boywhich want Ben and Ricky to do something like what

Mr Boywhich is now talking
"Thank you both for coming and Ben sorry that you have not eaten breakfast yet".

Ben is now talking
"No worries because I have eaten at their house so what up dad".

Mr Boywhich is now talking
"Well, I need the both of you to do something for me".

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