Ava is scared but she have to be strong for Liam

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Ring ring

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this

Ava is now talking

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Ava what did we say about you shouting on the phone?"

Ava is now talking
"We said do not do that anymore".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying
"That is right so why did you call me?"

Ava is now talking
"I am scared doctor Juergens Underwood and I do not know what to do".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Ok breathe in".

Ava is now talking or breathing in

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Good now, breathe out".

Ava is now breathing out

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Do you feel better now?"

Ava is now talking
"Yes I do thank doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Good and you are welcome so now tell me what is going on".

Ava is now talking
"It is Liam and I do not know what to do".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Ok what is happening to Liam?"

Ava is now talking
"I do not know when he came inside he did not look good so I told him to go home but he said that he was fine".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"What do you mean by his was Ava?"

Ava is now talking
"Well after I told him that then he just fainted out of nowhere and I do not want to do".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Ok Ava calm down I am going to tell you what you do but you must listen carefully got it".

Ava is now talking
"Yes doctor Juergens Underwood now what do I do".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Ok what I need you to do is go down and head if he is breathing so he is breathing ".

Ava is now talking
"Ok".  so I went down to see if he was breathing but not at good "doctor Juergens Underwood he is breathing but not that good"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Oh ok that is good news then but he is not breathing on his own for that long".

Ava is now talking
"What do you mean by that doctor Juergens Underwood now I am scared".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"I know Ava but remember you are doing this for Liam so you have to stay strong for him can you do that for Liam".

Ava is now talking
"I do not know about that doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Just try for him".

Ava is now talking
"Ok I will try for him".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Good now can I carry on".

Ava is now talking
"Mmm yes you can".

Doctor Juergen Underwood is now talking
"Ava I need you to stop crying and do this for him you need to go to the nurse office and tell her to come and help you to carry Liam back to her office".

Ava is now talking
"Does she know doctor Juergen Underwood?"

Doctor Juergens Under Juergens is saying this
"Yes she does know but you have to tell her his name now Ava go quickly".

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