Chapter Nine~Survivor of the Crap

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Hi! I'm dead tired, but I had to write, I got so into it and just couldn't stop, it's like 2 am here and my eyes are all red and watery. I'm pretty sure the last half of this chapter is pretty incoherent and like "whaa??" but bear with me and please please make suggestions and help me fix this train wreck up!

omigosh I need sleep, my eyes are all squinty, I'm seriously falling asleep...

you don't want to hear about my lack of sorry...I'm just gonna go take a nap a nice long 12 hour one....


linz xoxo

p.s. please point out any errors and make suggestions for this plane crash....



Chapter Nine

~Survivor of the Crap~


Parker, Mitch and I followed my dad into his main office. I glanced around at the familiar surroundings: dark wood-paneled walls, floor to ceiling book cases built into the west wall, a wall of windows on the east one, his grand, mahogany desk sat in the middle of the room on top of a dark, almost olive green carpet. 

Emily and Leo materialized in the door way and sat in the dark green and gold love seat. “Alpha Moonlight,” Parker cleared his throat, “I think that before we say anything, you should read this article.” He dropped the newspaper on the desk, Dad looked at me questioningly, I nodded my head in confirmation, he sat down and brought the newspaper up to his face. Dad had started out in a pretty relaxed position, but as he progressed through the article, he sat up straighter and straighter while reading it, his brow furrowing.

“Son, what is this? I admit, the young man looks familiar, but why is this important to us?” My dad questioned.

“It’s there a picture? Who looks familiar?” 

“There’s a picture of this...” He peered at the paper, “Jasper Barnes underneath the article.” He flipped the paper around and the five of us leaned in closer to get a good look, even Leo and Emily got up from the couch.

Huh, how did we miss this? I thought, studying the features of the guy in the photo. The photo itself was grainy and indistinct, but in color, considering it was a front page story. A college age man stared at me, bright blue eyes, messy golden hair, a square jaw-line and a tightly pressed together mouth. I studied the set of the mouth, looks as if Jasper here was worried about something...Something about the picture nagged at my subconscious, like I’d seen this guy before...

“You know who he reminds me of...” Leo scrunched his brow in concentration, “he looks almost like...well, Rose. Hear me out,” he halted any protest from mainly my father, “look at the cheek bones and the eye-shape, you can’t see the mouth all that well, but it kind of reminds me of hers too.”

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