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K, so  I caved, and decided to write a werewolf story! But I'm warning you it's going to be different and the werewolf part doesn't come in until chapter one. It's still a romance, as all werewolf stories are!!! So I've had two snowdays in a row and tomorrow is gonna be number three so I promise to get chapter one up by then!

So please, tell me what ya think!!!



Guess what?! I got an editor! yup! so now my stuff is going to be a ton better cause all of you who read my story will be like "whoa! this is better" (sorry couldn't figure out what to say there :P) and you also know that I pretty much suck at editing! So yay to my new editor!!!

Edited by: OMFGitsjayXP


 star-crossed: not favored by the stars: ill-fated: jinxed

coined by Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet.


~Accacia Rose Dracose~

Huff. Puff. Huff. Puff.

I was breathing hard, too hard, a sign that I had been running too far, too fast, for much too long. Not like it’s my choice; do or die, that’s what I always say... That had been the rule I lived by since I was about seven or eight years old...but that doesn’t matter at the moment, I needed to get father away, fast.

Further, I remembered the face of the scout, how it had changed from scrutiny, to recognition, to shock. At that moment, I knew that I had about thirty seconds to get out of the coffee shop, down the street, across the bridge, and out of the city. He would call reinforcements and I would become top priority for the next week.

Top priority? I snorted to myself. Who was I kidding? I had been ‘top priority’ for the past nine-maybe ten years, it’s just that “the Hunt”, as I referred to it, would be more concentrated in the greater New York City Metro area, well more like the whole of New England. 

I ducked and a branch whipped past my face, grazing the top of my head. Looking behind me, I saw that there was nothing nearby that I could detect, so I stopped at the edge of the forest. Looking out onto the broad expanse of grasslands.

Ugh. Just what I need, a large flat area, where even a human could spot me from ten miles away. The sad thing was, I needed to cross the large flat land, otherwise known as the Great Plains, to get to my next destination. Honestly, I’d had enough with cities; it was too easy for them to find me.I had to disappear and remain under the radar for a while. The obscure town in the middle of nowhere was a perfect place. It would be the last place they expected me to escape to. I’d always stuck to big cities. The chances of being detected in cities slim and the ease of being to assimilate was a plus too. But now, it was time to switch things up a little, to do something they wouldn’t expect. I was headed to a tiny town tucked in the middle of a forest-covered mountain. Perks: High ground, plenty of escape routes, plenty of places to hide. Downside: “Small Town Syndrome” (everybody is in everybody’s business).  

I’ve been here too long, I thought, SNAP! My senses were heightened and now on high alert. Adrenaline coursed through me: my fatigue forgotten. The only thing that matters now is staying alive. My eyes briefly registered a glint of silver from some distance away before a dagger whizzed past my head, narrowly missing me by less than a hairsbreadth and embedding itself to a tree.-- the tree where I had been standing not two seconds ago. I shot my foot out in the direction the dagger had come foot connected with something very large and very alive. 

  A muffled ompf! followed the heavy thud on the ground.

I took a dagger that was about as long as my forearm from my black combat boot and shoved the man against the tree as he stood.The dagger pressed against his neck: his veins bulging and his eyes filled with terror. A slow trickle of blood ran down his neck and into the high collar of his navy blue shirt. “Why are you here?” I hissed, low and deadly.

“I think you know that answer, Little Dragon.” His voice was strained, it should be considering the position that he was in, face pressed up against the bark of a tree, arm yanked roughly behind his back and a blade pressed to the side of his neck.

“How many are there?” I whispered harshly. He laughed quietly. The sound grating on me, even in such a situation, he still dared to mock me. My eyes flashed with anger. “Fine.” I pulled his arm farther behind his back, hearing popping and a sickly crack! as his shoulder was dislocated. I felt tears in my eyes for doing this, but I had no choice. I needed to know and there was no other option. 

Gritting my teeth, I swallowed my tears and continued to pull, hearing suppressed cries of pain. A salty tear slipped down his dirty face, and moments before I knew his humerus was going to break, “Please! Stop! I’ll talk!”

Immediately, I loosened so my grip so his arm was comfortable but at the same time firm, he let out a relieved sigh, “I-I was just a scout in the area. The only one, I swear! And an hour ago I was radioed to be on the look out, you had been spotted. No one knows you are here.” I knew he wasn’t lying. People, human or not, always give out telltale signs when they are lying. A twitch of their eyes, the quick shrug of the shoulders... I always know if I am being lied to.

“Thank you, I’m sorry.”

He craned his neck around, “Sorry for wha-” The words died in his mouth as the electric shock I sent through his heart and brain killed him quickly, mercifully. I stepped back and let the corpse slump to the ground. I sprinkled some dust on the body and lit it, the body went up in flames, immediately turning to ash. 

The fire burned itself out and a sudden wind blew the ashes away, scattering them over the quiet countryside. I smiled and ran, continuing on my way, dropping the wind the moment I left.

Leadville, Colorado. I mentally sighed, ready or not, here I come...


and queue the end of the newly edited prologue! Thanks in a million and one m&m's to OMFGitsjayXP!!!  Tell me what'cha think!!!

Star-Crossed (Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz