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"Fuyuchi~!" Lucas's energetic voice made Chifuyu flinch on his walk, "Do you want to accompany me to the bar?" he stopped Chifuyu from walking home in the evening by throwing his arm around his neck.

"What for?" Chifuyu showed reluctance in his voice.

"I just want to try talking to my mom," Lucas made him pause, "Please, can you be there with me...?" his tone was somewhat begging.

"Alright, but don't take too long." Chifuyu surrendered, and he entered the bar with Lucas when they arrived. The woman was sitting at the same place, but was hanging out with different men when Lucas approached her and Chifuyu sat down at on the seat furthest away from them but closest to the door.

"H-Hey," Lucas waved doubtfully to get the woman's attention.

"Ugh, you again." The woman rolled her eyes, "Listen up, brat. I don't want you in my sight anymore, you make me sick. Stop thinking I'm your mother, because I'm not. Why would I be a mother to a disgrace like you?" her words were loud enough for Chifuyu to hear.

"Who is this brat?" a drunk man asked the woman.

"Just someone claiming I am their mother, but you know I abort every child I was pregnant with." The woman folded her arms.

"Please... I just want to talk," Lucas was trying his best, "I'm not mad that you abandoned me, I never once did. Please, I just wanted to ask you about-"

"Get lost, right now! Don't ever come again!" the woman screamed, as Lucas felt a hand gently grabbing his shoulder.

"Fuyuchi...?" Lucas was confused of the cold expression on Chifuyu's face, he pushed Lucas behind and stepped forward to slap the woman, leaving a red mark on her cheek that is now slightly bruised.

"W-What the hell?!" the woman stepped back.

"What are you doing, bastard?!"

"Who do you think you are, you piece of shit?!" the men with her stood up from their chairs, but Chifuyu silenced them and made them freeze by launching his pocket knife in a speed that made his action hardly seen, leaving a small cut on the cheek of the man closest to him.

"Who do you think I am?" Chifuyu's cold voice scared Lucas and everyone in the bar, leaving them holding their breath and still as stone as Chifuyu lowered his knife.

"W-What is a Japanese doing here?"

"Are Japanese people this scary?"

"Isn't he the prodigy investigator working for Detective Anderson?" were the thoughts of the people in the bar.

"Nobody talks about my friend like that, you can't talk crap about him when you're shit yourself." Chifuyu was death staring the woman, "You're far out of his league, it's already stupid of him to go begging to a woman like you. You're disgusting and despicable, good bye." He grabbed Lucas's arm when he finished, walking out of the bar in heavy-irritated steps with Lucas dragged behind him.

"F-Fuyuchi...?" Lucas was bewildered, and Chifuyu stopped soon after.

"You're seriously an idiot," Chifuyu sniggered to his friend, giving him the biggest relieve. "It's nice to curse once in a while, I finally poured out my contained anger." He stretched his arms above his head as he chuckled.

"Thanks, Fuyuchi, I'm happy to have a friend that will stand up and get angry for me." Lucas smiled, touched by Chifuyu's action once again.

"Seriously, you got to stop going back to her, she's disgusting." Chifuyu pouted.

"I would stop if I can, but I really need answers from her, I've been trying for a long time now." Lucas scratched his hair.

"Are you looking for something?" Chifuyu tilted his head, his silver earring swayed.

Evening and Winter (夕方と冬)Where stories live. Discover now