Harvester 01

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Taylor was in his office organizing papers during the early morning, his mood was melancholic after the story Chifuyu had retold the previous day. He knows more about him now, but the sadder he becomes whenever he remembers the expression on Chifuyu's face when he narrates, solemn but miserable.

"He's really good at masking his misery from his past, it just shows how much he doesn't want to relive them." Taylor thought as he piled up his folders, "A guineapig for drugs... I suppose that was the reason why he had a high immunity to sleeping drugs." He sighed, before the door of his office opened.

"Morning, old man." Chifuyu greeted him with a grin.

"Good morning," Taylor responded with a smile.

"What's the case today?" Chifuyu approached the table.

"Actually, we have to go and hire a translator for this case, since the victim is German." Taylor sighed as he went to take his coat and hat, "But here, this the file for the case. It's a rough summary, but we still need to interview this victim to make it clearer." He added as Chifuyu took the folder from his hand.

"Why? We don't need a translator," Chifuyu asked him.

"Are you saying you don't want to take this case?" Taylor asked him back with a sharp look.

"Can we just go meet this victim first?" Chifuyu walked away, ahead before Taylor, and the senior detective had no choice but to follow him.

"Mr. Anderson, you're here." Emma welcomed Taylor, but ignored Chifuyu as usual, leaving him to freely walk to the window of the interrogation room. Chifuyu could see a confused young woman sitting in the room, and she was obviously a German.

"Do we have a translator?" Taylor asked Emma.

"I told you already, old man. There's no need for that," Chifuyu rolled his eyes as he scoffed and grabbed Taylor's wrist to drag him into the interrogation room. "Guten morgen," Chifuyu bowed to the young woman, he randomly started speaking in German, which shocked Taylor.

"Guten morgen," the young woman responded, "Mein Name ist Petra Weber, ich bin erst vor zwei Wochen hier angekommen." she introduced herself in German.

"She said her name is Petra Weber, and she just got here two weeks ago." Chifuyu turned to Taylor, who quickly got the memo and took out a pen and paper to take notes. "Do you mind explaining to me the summary of the incident, fehlschlagen?" Chifuyu continued with Petra in German.

"Yes, so this young man with dark blonde hair and green eyes dressed in a brown trench coat entered the bank after me on Wednesday afternoon. He was tall and slender, and it was only moments until he pulled out a gun. His face was covered by a medical face mask, so I didn't get to see his entire face, but he has a birth mark near his right eye." Petra explains to Chifuyu in German, he was nodding to know his comprehension while Taylor stood next to him in confusion, he just wrote down the translation told by Chifuyu after.

"How did it go?" Emma asked when Taylor and Chifuyu left the interrogation room an hour later, she had caught on that Chifuyu was able to communicate just fine with the victim.

"I didn't expect you to be fluent in German, young man..." Taylor sighed as he puts his notepad away.

"Just to let you know; I'm fluent in Japanese, French, English, Latin, German, and Russian. I can speak, read, and write them." Chifuyu told the two, who paused in visible stone shock. "I just learned them from books and eavesdropping on native speaker immigrants, nothing much." He shrugged in the end.

"Wow..." Taylor shook his head in marvel.

"Like I said, we didn't need a translator." Chifuyu sneered, arrogant yet again.

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