Part II

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Below is the first poem from part two of my book of the same name.

We the poet's

We - the poets - write
Words and tales of times passing by.

We - the poets - etch
Memories of our times for the world ahead.

We - the poets - walk
On lonely paths so you may not.

We - the poets -
Who write for the soul.

We - the poets - who talk
In obnoxious shades of oblique.

We -the poets - who lie
Hidden amidst you all.

We - the poets.

But as we write,
We cry out and drive-
Our own souls into a night
Of mesmerizing bright.

Poems have a special beat,
Which comes to us in times of need;
Driving a frenzy so arcanely bleak,
To escape which is a fool's dream.

And as you read,
The words on the page-
Arranged to torment the laws of tongues-
Just make sure to remember once,
That poets are simply your friends
Who were crazy enough to document.


(11th November, 2021)

Dedicated to all the poets I've read, loved and/or connected with here on wattpad:

  AyeshaNoor137 Kav_Investstigator discipleofinks inkAmber  i_killed_your_cupid KeaganVickers05 lyPoetry MYunez3 Loveheartx24 Manya_007 _joy2dworld_ yourstrangeness violet2420 Ridxa_ WinterlyHeights HappierThanEver666 Kitty-Writer    rijEATS  E__lizz_a TonyLightning seven_hues  poetinabox

Especially:  HOMETIGHTROPE ;  CottonJones ;   redrose_lyricist  ;  JimHeter ;   Ajay-Kumar  ;  violetsadowski  ;  AdrielleReina

and ofcourse, also dedicated to all my precious readers who found me in the dark waters of the internet.


Note: This book shall be considered done for the time being and the next part of this book of the same name shall instead be updated. If you enjoyed reading till here, please do check the other one out too. All in all, thanks for reading. I hope you continue to find books that thrill your souls.

Yours faithfully,
Aastha Roy
(JuneAmoe) 🌷

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