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Sunlight peeked through gray clouds, shining into a room in a correctional facility that was occupied. A mech was sitting in front of the window, his armor dull and gray like the clouds, only small patches of blue appeared on his sides, his blunt digits weaving yarn around a pair of metal rods welded together. Behind him laid gifts of stuffed animals, letters, and religious statues of Primus. Many letters stated that if he accepted Primus into his spark, he would heal, he always lets out a dry chuckle whenever he reads them. Others are mostly from horny mechs and femmes wishing he would become their jailbait boyfriend. Those are crumpled up and thrown into the corner in disgust.

An orderly came over and knocked on the open door, "Rec time's in 15 minutes, Megatron."

"Grassy ass, Rung." Came the sarcastic reply, the orderly merely sighed and left.

Megatron, legal name Megatronus, got up and stretched, around his armor was scars from what seemed like a heavy battle. He put on the standard clothes for inmates at the facility, orange pants and an orange shirt. He glanced at a framed photo perched on the windowsill, it was a winged mech that was white and red flashing a dopey smile. He slowly trudged out onto the recreation field. Around him were bots playing Go, board games, badminton, or sitting on a bench.

'Welcome to the Mental Olympics.' He thought bitterly, he walked to a tetherball that looked rather pathetic, and took a swing, the rope snapped and the ball bounced into a corner. He merely watched.

Soon lunchtime came in, bots were eating from metal trays and plastic cubes full of oil. On Megatron's tray was simple metallic pastry that wasn't even cooked, he sat at the window and stared at it, not touching his small portion of food. This brought some unwanted attention.

A nutritionist approached him, "Just one Toastie today, huh?"

Megatron looked at him and said dryly, "I like Toasties." It was clear he didn't want to be disturbed.

The nutritionist didn't notice or didn't care, instead they continued, "Well, that's good I don't think a Toastie is gonna provide enough energy for your day I recommend more complex-"

They weren't able to finish their sentence as Megatron delivered a powerful kick to their chest that sent them flying onto a table. They fell to the floor with a grunt and looked up at their assailant, Megatron merely glared.

"I recommend that you shut the fuck up!" He snapped, then hurled a loogie at the nutritionist, who spat a bloody tooth.

Orderlies came in and restrained Megatron who put up a struggle while everyone else cheered in the lunchroom. Hooting and hollering died off as Megatron was carried from the lunchroom to a solitary cell. He was unceremoniously tossed in, he scrambled to the back of the wall and soon let out an angry scream as the door was slammed shut.

He soon sat there, and began thinking. Eventually music started chiming in, a tune that was familiar to Megatron, a tune that he despised.

'Primus, I hate this fucking song.' He thought to himself angrily.

Soon he began thinking, he wasn't always this cracked, he used to be normal, then when the killings began he began to feel loose around the edges or something.

And then his mind drifted back into the past... back to a time where he wasn't locked up with batty inmates and sub-par food. Back two months ago... 

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