Chapter 2: Dancitron

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Starscream was right, Dancitron wasn't a club, it was really a small dive bar. Clubs are for hot people in urban areas, with a dance floor and champagne, all Dancitron has is a jukebox and a sticker reliever. Megatron saw said reliever in the dirty washroom. Both teens got the red X on their servos to mark how they're underage. Orion took in the atmosphere.

"I can not wait until I'm old enough to get wasted here." He said with a chipper expression. Megatron trailing behind him.

Soon they crossed paths with a fellow student, Cliffjumper.

"Hey Orion, you look really handsome." He tried. Orion scoffed and made a face.

"What up, Cliff," He looks at Megatron, "He thinks he's on my level, and that's why he's in lower math." He teased.

Cliffjumper said to himself, "Swing and a miss."

Megatron and Orion soon found a place to sit.

They soon saw a mech sitting by himself, Megtron said, "Hey that's Fulcrum, from Messatine."

Orion looked at him, holding a cygarette, "I wonder if he's circumcised, I always wanted to try a cloaked ship." He gave a smirk that caused Megatron to let out a small laugh. He put the cygarette in his mouth until it was grabbed by a servo.

Roller, a cadet on the Unicron's Kettle Police Force said, "Orion Pax, you know you're not supposed to poison yourself with this shit. Unless you want me to drag you in for possession."

Orion scoffed, "Arrest me? You're not even out of the academy, Roller."

Roller took a swig of his engex, "Two more months, then I'm on the force for reals."

Orion soon stood up, "You gonna cuff me?" He grabbed Roller's codpiece, causing the cadet to let out a small groan, before he gently pushed his hand off.

"Don't do that, okay? Not here." He said in a hushed voice. Soon Megatron pointed out the band was coming onstage.

The lead singer was a femme. Which came as a surprise to him. They had dark colored armor, face paint around the optics. Orion saw and was immediately infatuated, "You can totally tell they're from the city."

Roller chuckled, "Yeah, they look like a bunch of faygos."

Orion frowned and looked at him, "Of course you would say that Roller cause you're a small time gomer. I wish we had more bots like them in Unicron's Kettle," he looked back at the band, "All stylish and shit." Orion didn't notice Roller walking back to the bar, seemingly to nurse his bruised ego. Orion soon turned to Megatron, and smiled.

"I think they need two groupies."

"No. No!" Megatron protested, Orion looked at him.

"Come on Megatron, don't be so JV. She's a femme, not a scraplet. She's easy. This," He grabs Megatron's codpiece, causing him to blush, Orion continued, "Is a sniper rifle, you point it in the right direction, and shit gets real." He soon walks to the stage where the band is sitting up.

He cleared his vocals, "Um excuse me?" The lead singer turned around, and looked, "Hi." She greeted.

Orion seemed like he was a bit nervous, "I'm Orion Pax, and this is my friend."

The femme stepped down from the stage, "I'm Elita and this is my band."

Orion tittered, "Yeah I heard of you, you-you play your instruments really well."

Elita nodded, "Yeah well, we are professionals."

Megatronus spoke up, "I have a question, why come all the way out here in Unicron's Kettle?"

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