Chapter 12: Cross Out Orion

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Inside his now empty home, Megatron was splayed out on his bed, his clothes ripped and stained and wet from his fight in the pool. He felt cold, numb. Empty. He looked to his left, to see a framed picture of him and Orion, smiling. Orion was posing like he was in a glamor shot while Megatron was awkwardly throwing up a peace sign. He then looked to his right to see a photo of Starscream taped up on his monitor screen. He teared up. Then felt a resolve form itself in him.

He got up and cleaned himself off in the shower, once dried he then put on a hoodie, it was big and baggy. He went to the backyard and into the toolshed. It was old and the wood was beginning to rot away, but he found his dad's toolbox and pulled it down from the shelf, he opened it and grabbed a large box cutter from it as well as a hammer. He stuffed both into his pocket and left the backyard by climbing the fence.

He made his way to Orion's house, he knew the directions effortlessly. He hunched down to sneak through the yard and reach Orion's bedroom window. He stood up to look inside it.

Orion looked worse for wear, he was only wearing a tight shirt, basketball shorts that were cut up to be shorter, and leg warmers. His face was pale and his paint job was peeling off. His optics looked tired and had what could best be described as bags. On his lap was a yearbook, he was drawing in it with a red marker, the TV in his room was turned on, an infomercial was playing.

The cheery infomercial spokesperson spoke, "Abduction and adduction, right?" He was advertising an exercise machine.

"Inner and outer. But you know what's really important?"

Orion was writing down "YUM!" in big red letters next to the head of a mech he had circled, planning for his next meal. He looked at the TV.

"Hurdle or sprint. That's huge. Look at the sprint that I have," The spokesperson on the exercise machine moved it, showing off how it worked to another spokesperson standing next to him, in a workout suit, "Say I wanna do just my hip flexors or my aft even more." He exaggerated aft to keep the energy going.

"I do what's called 'digging', I use this for a lot of swimwear models. Very, very, very important. How about Aft Squeeze? Yeah, I see you wanted to touch. Not this show! Not touching this show!" The other spokesperson merely laughed at her cohost's goofy smile to the camera.

"Okay. And of course-" The infomercial was cut short by Orion turning the TV off. He closed his yearbook and set it on the floor of his room, he turned off the light and laid on his bed, then he turned to the side. Megatron decided to strike then.

He swung the hammer at the window, shattering the glass, he climbed through, Orion jolted up with surprise and narrowly dodged Megatron swinging the hammer at him with a scream, it landed in his wall, or rather, through it. Orion looked to see it went through a poster of The Wreckers' frontman he had taped up, he then glared at Megatron. Megatron pounced and was on top of Orion, straddling his waist with his legs. Both bots were grunting and yelling, Megatron wrapped his hands around Orion's throat.

"Amica forever, huh? You killed my fucking boyfriend, you Primus damn monster! You dumbass!"

Orion yanked his hoodie down and pulled him close, biting him on the shoulder. Causing Megatron to pull back with a yelp of pain, he watched Orion lick his lips, teeth stained pink with his energon. He was smirking and making a noise of satisfaction while licking his lips.

Megatron reached into his pocket and pulled out the boxcutter, Orion saw and tried to make a grab at it, Megatron pulling it just out of reach every time.

"You know what this is for? Huh? It's for cutting boxes." He swung it down.

Orion blocked it by grabbing Megatron's wrist, "Do you buy all your murder weapons at Home Depot? Primus, you're butch." Megatron yanked his hand free, the struggling caused Orion's shirt to roll up, exposing his midsection, which had slowly healed from the pool skimmer going through him.

"Cross out Orion." He made two slashes, forming a big, pink, oozing X across Orion's stomach, he looked at it for a second, then at Megatron, his face still in a silent fury visage. Then he shot up in the air, Megatron still on top of him.

Both bots struggled while in the air, clawing at one another, Megatron kept trying to stab Orion while Orion kept swiping at Megatron, both making growls and snarls and screams at one another. Megatron soon noticed the amica necklace on Orion's neck, it had pink droplets on the shiny charm. He grabbed it and ripped it off, causing Orion to freeze up.

Orion was stunned, and watched as the necklace was flung to the floor. He looked at Megatron, then stopped hovering in the air, he fell back onto his bed, still staring at Megatron. Megatron stared at him as he fell too, he readied his boxcutter and with a final scream, stabbed it square through Orion's chest, causing the smaller bot to gasp in pain.

He looked at Megatron, energon gushing from the wound, he drew a raspy breath and finally spoke.

"My tit..." He rasped out.

Megatron shook his head, "No, your spark."

He watched as Orion took his final breaths and stopped moving, his optics fading to gray. His final breath being a barely audible exhale.

The lights flashed on, Orion's Sire entered, having on a long robe that was open, exposing a pair of pajama pants.

"Orion, what is it, son?" He rubbed his optis to see Megatron on top of his son, "Megatron?"

Megatron pulled out the boxcutter, now stained pink with energon. Orion's Sire saw and hurried over, "Oh my Primus."

Then he saw the state his son was in, bloody, unmoving, dead. "Oh my Primus!" He scooped up Orion's body and cradled it, sobbing as he shoved Megatron off of him.

Megatron flopped onto the bed, panting, small energon drops splattered across his face. He dropped the boxcutter, which fell onto a magazine about basketball, the energon drops landed on the player's face on the cover. He closed his eyes and sighed then opened to see his former amica's still face with gray optics and slack open mouth being gently shaken, the sobbing of Orion's father echoing into the night.

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