Chapter 3: Orion?

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Immediately as soon as Megatron got home, he rushed to his room and pulled out his comm cell, dialing Starscream. He was panting the whole time. He sat on his bed, still wearing his outfit from the bar, it stank of smoke and cygarette ash.

Starscream felt the comm on his bed vibrate, in a half asleep daze he grabbed it and answered, "Hey Megs." He said sleepily.

Megatron let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank Primus, Orion's gone and Dancitron burned down."

Starscream sat up immediately, now wide awake, "You're okay, right?" He was very concerned.

Megatron answered, "Yeah, we crawled out through a window. But the smell... and the people were trampled, you could hear their pistons and protoforms being crushed."

Starscream was shocked, "Jeez..."

Megatron took a breath, "Orion's still with those creeps, we have to go find him!"

Starscream snipped back, "Who cares about Orion and those assholes with their asshole wax jobs and their greasepaint?! People just burned to death!"

Megatron sniffled, and soon jumped when the doorbell rang, nearly dropping the cell.

"Oh rust sticks, someone's at the door! I'm all alone!" He panicked. But he swallowed the lump forming in his vocal cables and got up, slowly walking.

Starscream asked, "Where is your Sire?"

Megatron was slowly climbing down the stairs, hearing them creak under his weight, "Swing shift." He answered.

He reached the main floor and slowly crept through the hallway, glancing at each room, spark pounding in his chassis. He still held the comm cell with a death grip. His breath heavy and shaky, all the lights are off.

"Do you need me to come over?" Starscream asked, already sounding like he's about to fall back asleep.

"I don't know, maybe." Megatron reached the door and opened it with a quick jerk, all he saw was the road and the neighboring houses with the lights off. He felt the cool breeze fly in, he scoffed in annoyance, mostly at himself for being so jumpy. "Great, there's no one here. I'll call you later." He hung up after Starscream said a dreary good night.

Soon a different noise got his attention. It was a light tap that immediately set him on edge again. He slowly walked back through the hall, he stopped at the door to the basement, it was loose and gently shuddered. He slowly grabbed the door and opened it with a flourish, all he saw was darkness and the steps. He heard the tapping sound again, it was a bit louder this time. He walked to the source and saw it was the kitchen sink faucet dripping water. He sighed again and went over to turn it off all the way. His Sire did yell at him about the water bill that one time. He was about to turn around to go to bed.

Until he was stopped by Orion, standing in his kitchen, staring at him. He let out a scream then panted, "Hi." He mustered up, his amica endura stood there, looking like a mess. The dripping sound was back again, Megatron looked and saw pink energon dripping onto the floor from Orion's fingers. He looked back at the other mech, seeing energon smeared on his clothes, bleeding from his chest and stomach. His mouth was pink as well, dripping from the corner.

"Orion?" He asked sheepishly. All he got was Orion staring at him, his cheeks stained from what looked crying. Megatron asked, "Orion? What happened?" No answer.

Then, Orion smiled, it was a creepy Cheshire smile, with hauntingly empty optics. His dentae was stained pink. Then he merely walked to the fridge and opened it, carelessly tossing food onto the floor. He grabbed a roasted cyber chicken and tossed it onto the floor, it fell out of the plastic container. Orion knelt down and tore into it with his bare servos, he ate chunks of it.

Megatron watched for a brief second then knelt in front of him.

"Um, my Sire got that from Kaon Market, and we're not supposed to-"

He was cut off by Orion, who let out a demonic roar, chewed up chunks of chicken falling from his mouth, soon he started letting out hacking coughs, Megatron watched, worried for his amica.

Orion then vomited up black bile, it shot from his mouth like a geyser. Megatron let out a scream and quickly got onto his feet. Just as quick as it started, it ended, the bile went from a gush to a dibble, Megatron watched the bile move around, looking like it was alive. Orion soon smiled at Megatron. And started giggling.

Megatron went to his side, "Orion? Orion? Orion?!" He gripped his arm, Orion kept giggling, but it soon quickly morphed into laughter that was borderline insane. Megatron looked at his arm, to see it dripping pink. He quickly got up and ran to his comm cell, he was dialing.

Orion suddenly appeared in front of him, and with a force stronger than he can give, shoved the bigger mech into the wall, then slapped the cell out of his servo, it landed onto the floor with a clatter. He then planted his hand onto the wall, smearing energon on a framed photo of Megatron, he was impossibly close.

Megatron felt Orion's breath on him, his face was contorted into a mask of terror. He felt Orion's lips on his neck.

"Are you scared?" He whispered.

All Megatron could give was a quick, shaky nod. He felt Orion give what felt like a kiss on his neck. Then Orion backed away, almost stumbling.

Megatron felt his legs give out and he sat on the floor.

"Orion!" He weakly cried out, not getting a response.


All Orion did was turn around and walk out the door. It slammed behind him.

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