Chapter 1: Unicron's Kettle

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In rural Iacon was a small town named Unicron's Kettle. It sounds evil, yes but it's really named after a waterfall. It's not even a normal waterfall, it goes into this hole and doesn't come out. Scientists have dropped cameras, drones, even rubber balls into it, but they never resurface. As a result, the town is somewhat successful as a tourist destination. Plus there is a local high school, where Megatron attended two months ago. He was sitting on the bleachers happily clapping while a pep rally was on, the mascot, a cheesy Unicron with a cartoonish grin and oversized horns jumped across the gym hyping the crowd up. Cheerleaders performed a routine with their pompoms and flashing smiles big and proud. Then came the star of the squad.

Orion Pax.

Orion Pax was the most popular mech in Unicron's Kettle High, a small mech, with ruby red optics that were alluring. His armor was light and had slight curves. He wore a white and gold cheerleading uniform. He twirled a flag and saw Megatron, he smiled and waved at him, he waved back. This little exchange was noticed by a student.

"You're totally a homo." They said, Megatron scoffed and looked.

"What? He's my best friend."

The student made an imitation of the wave, exaggerating it and let out a mock giggle. Megatron cringed in response and ignored them.

After the pep rally, Orion strutted over to Megatron's locker. He was out of his uniform, showing his black and purple armor. His body was shaped like a model's, snatched waist, hips, sculpted face, not a blemish on him.

"What's up, Rod?" He asked with a smile.

"Hey, Condom." Megatron answered, putting his books away, Orion cut to the chase.

"You and me are going out tonight."

Megatron asked, "Tonight? Why?"

Orion answered, "Cause The Seekers are performing at Dancitron, I saw their CyberSpace page and the lead singer is extra salty," he checked his reflection in the small mirror on Megatron's locker door, "Plus there will be other salty morsels there for you." He noticed Megatron had a look of doubt and pouted, "Come on, Megs."

"I promised Starscream that I would hang out with him tonight." He reasoned.

Orion scrunched his brows together in annoyance, "Boo! Cross out Megatron!" He made an X shape in the air with his fingers, Megatron relented.

"What time is the show?" He asked.

Orion smirked, "I'll pick you at 8:30, my mom has a date with that artist."

"He seems nice." Megatron nodded.

Orion picked up the charm on his neck and playfully bit it, "Wear something cute okay?"

Megatron smiled, "Okay." Orion soon left.

In the evening, Megatron tried on different clothes, different shirts, jackets, tank tops, he finally found an outfit of a simple shirt and pants combo with the pants being ripped strategically. They were also low enough to leave little to the imagination. The reason why he struggled to find something was because when Orion said, 'Wear something cute', it was very specific, he couldn't look like a total dweeb but he couldn't upstage him either.

Megatron's boyfriend, Starscream, was sitting on his bed, "Those jeans are hella low, I can almost see your front aft." He commented.

Megatron looked, "It's a rock show, this is my rock look." He turned around to show him. His outfit was kinda misshapen and haphazard. But it fit the theme.

Starscream was unimpressed, "Well I can see like your forge so," He trailed off then asked a different question, "Which one is Orion stalking?"

Megatron answered, "The lead singer. Orion says they're salty."

Starscream let out a small chuckle, "Salty?"

"Salty means beautiful."

Starscream smiled, "Well, then you must be soy sauce." That comment made Megatron smile and kiss him. Soon Megatron stopped.

"Orion's here." He said. Starscream looked confused. Soon Orion's voice was heard downstairs.

"Megs! Quit jerking it and get down here!"

Starscream looked weirded out, "That is weird."

Megatron sat up, "Better hurry before he gets annoyed."

Starscream looked at his digits, "You always do what Orion tells you."

Megatron made a small optic roll, "No I don't, we just have stuff in common, that's why we're amica." He showed the charm necklace with a simple pendant saying 'amica' on it in fancy black writing.

They came downstairs to see Orion in a tight shirt with a deep cut, low rise jeans with a studded belt, and a pair of boots that seemed to have heels. He dangled a set of keys on his digit and smiled, "Guess who has the whip until 11:30? A 1984 Hound and it's all mine."

Orion saw Starscream and threw out a simple, "Hey Starscream." before pausing for a beat, then he spoke again.

"It smells like tinfoil turkey in here? Have you guys been fucking?"

Megatron scoffed and playfully shoved him, "You're gross!" He joked.

Orion pushed back and repeated the same thing, both mechs playfully pushed until Orion forcefully shoved Megatron into the doorway, then said, "Let's go to the club." Orion opened the door and walked out, Megatron and Starscream following.

"Dancitron isn't a club." Starscream said.

Orion quipped back, "Eat my ass, Starscream, you're jello that you're not invited."

Starscream let out a noise that sounded like a guffaw, "Jealous? That place is gross! Everyone there has a metalstache!"

Orion snarked back while going down the stairs, "You're totally jello, you're lime green jello and you can't even admit it."

Starscream stopped and sighed, he made one final remark, "Stop stealing my boyfriend."

Orion walked to the giant green jeep like transport and said over his shoulder, "You wish!"

Orion and Megatron soon got in and left. 

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