Chapter 4: Dark Day

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Next day at school, word about the fire spread like... well... wildfire. Two students were gossipping, "I heard Megatron and Orion were there, and they had to fight their way out with a fusion cannon."

They glance at him, "Look he's not even moving."

"It's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, my Sire was in Operation: Enduring Freedom, and he wouldn't talk for like, a month."

Megatron was sitting at his table, staring into the abyss. His mind going back to a memory of him and Orion as children.

Orion and Megatron were playing in the sandbox, toys were littered around.

"I'll be Fortress Maximus and you'll be him!" A smaller Orion put down a busted up action figure into the sand.

"Why do I have to be Overlord?" Megatron pouted. Soon he saw Orion drop his toy and grip his hand in pain.


"What's wrong Orion?" He looked to see a sharp tack in Orion's palm, he removed it and leaned down to suck out the energon.

"Don't tell my Carrier, she'll make me get a shot." Orion said with a slight whine.

"I'd never tell on you." Megatron smiled.

"Where's it at, Spikehat?" Orion teased, snapping Megatron out of his stupor. He looked at him, blinking.

"You're alright." He said, amazed.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Orion asked, sitting down. Megatron looked at him, Orion looked perfectly fine. No energon, no black bile vomit, no creepy smiles. He looked absolutely great.

"Cause last night at my house you were-" Megatron tried to say but Orion cut him off.

"You do have a tendency to overreact, remember that one time we were at summer camp and you totally thought we were having a cyberquake but it was just two guys with a blaster?" He asked with a giggle. Megatron was stunned.

"People died, Orion." He said, "It made the news, national news." He watched Orion check his reflection in a compact.

Orion looked at him, closing the compact and putting it in his subspace, "Anybody that we know?" He asked carelessly.

Megatron answered, "We know everyone."

Orion seemed to shrug it off, "Sucks to be them, I guess." He said simply.

Megatron, shocked at how careless he was being, asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Orion turned to him, and snipped back, "What's wrong with you? Besides the obvious surface flaws." Megatron was just dumbstruck, he knew what he saw. He remembers staying up all night last night cleaning the bile off the floor.

He checked his servos and saw the silver metal had flecks of dried off black bile on it. He wasn't dreaming, it really happened.

"Shoot." He muttered. Orion heard and chimed in.

"Please don't talk to yourself, it's one of your more freakish Megatron behavior and it makes us both look like total gaylords."

Megatron showed him his servos, hoping that showing him evidence of what happened last night will change his amica's mind, all he got was a cringe.

"Ew, fuck! You need a waxing bad! You should find a Vosian to buff your situation." Orion said simply. Megatron merely put his servos down, they heard the door open and looked. Their teacher, an old mech named Impactor, walked in, his armor was yellow and purple, and he had a hook for a hand. He had a look of solemn sadness on his face. He drew a breath and soon faced the class.

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