Chapter 5: I am a God

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Megatron sat in his room, on his monitor when his comm cell rang, he checked the ID and soon answered, "Yeah?"

Orion was on the other end, he was in his room, which was blue and decorated with splashes of red and band posters and a disorganized bookshelf in the corner, and was busy checking himself out in his large vanity mirror.

"I feel so awesome!" He cheered.

Megatron shrugged, "Goody for you."

Orion continued, "You know how you kiss a bot for the first time and it feels like your entire body is on vibrate?"

Megatron nodded, "Yeah?"

Orion played with his amica necklace, "It's that good."

Megatron looked at the monitor, "Well that's nice, me, I'm still a bit depressed about the smoldering funeral pyre in the middle of town."

Orion sighed annoyed, "Move on dot org, Megs! It's over! Life's too short to be moping around about some lame petrol-pig roast."

Megatron made a disgusted face, "That's sweet, Orion." He said sarcastically.

Orion checked his reflection, "You know, I tell it like it is. And besides, you know what? You should be happy for me, cause I'm having the best day since like... Vector Prime invented the calendar."

Megatron looked confused, "Vector Prime didn't invent the calendar."

Orion scoffed, "Whatever."

Soon Megatron's comm beeped, "Oh other line, hold on."

Orion frowned, "So, blow it off!"

Megatron shook his head gently, "It'll only be a minute." He went to answer it.

Orion pouted, "I'm crossing you out." He crossed the air with his finger.

Megatron answered, "Yeah?" It was Starscream on the other end.

"I need to see you right now." His voice was joined with sirens and a cheap piano being played.

Megatron listened in, "I can barely hear you."

Starscream sighed, "It's because Skywarp and Thundercracker are playing the piano, knock it off you two!" He looked at them to give a glare.

They stuck their glossas at him, Skywarp responded, "You knock it off, Screamer!"

Starscream ignored that and asked, "Can you meet in the park in 10?"

Megatron asked, "Uh, 15?"

Meanwhile, Orion was waiting on hold, he decided to mess around with a lighter. He soon stuck his glossa out and held the lighter to the tip, he watched as his glossa in his reflection became singed and burnt, he turned the lighter off and soon watched as glossa healed itself. He was shocked, but also satisfied.

Megatron soon went back to him, "I gotta go."

Orion proclaimed, "I am a god."

Megatron arched a brow, "Okay? I gotta meet Starscream at the park."

Orion smirked, "You know Starscream is looking really cute to me lately. So tell me is he packing some serious pubic inches? What's the story down there?"

Megatron soon felt anger, "I gotta go." He hung up on his amica. Orion merely hung up too with a grin.

At the park, Megatron raced over and saw Starscream sitting on a park bench. Police sirens were wailing into the night sky.

"What are the police doing at your house?" Megatron asked, Starscream shook his head.

"They're not, they're at Mirage's luxury pad." He answered.

Megatron asked, "Why? Did he get caught selling fake chargers to the 8th graders?"

Starscream again shook his head, "No, Megs, he was murdered."

Megatron was shocked, "What?"

Starscream replied, "Yeah, someone tore Mirage up behind the school in the woods, full blown disembowelment, they ate parts of him too. No one is supposed to know but my dad went over and talked to the cops. His Carrier is like, catatonic, she's just staring out the window holding a wine glass like some zombie mannequin statue." They look to see Mirage's Carrier indeed standing out the window in a fancy robe, her optics dull and rubbed from wiping tears away, she held a wine glass full of high grade. Both teens shuddered.

Megatron shook his head, "This can't be a coincidence."

Starscream looked at him, confused, "What are you talking about?"

Megatron answered, "Come on, a fiery death trap last night and now some cannibal psycho kills the school rich kid? It's freaktarded."

Starscream saw him sit down, "Well, it has to be over by now, right? It can't get worse."

Megatron nodded, then saw he was shivering, "You're shivering."

Starscream shrugged it off, "It's cold, it's very cold."

Megatron merely scooped him up to give him warmth.

The next day at school, everyone was walking through the halls to get to class. It was sullen and dreary, everyone was mourning for the death of a fellow student. Mostly everyone.

Orion Pax was happily strutting through the halls, his red optics shining like rubies. His armor glimmered like it was freshly cleaned and polished, his face was smooth and shiny. He stood out among the crowd, popping like a purple and black roman candle. He was smiling the whole way. 

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