Temporary Roommates

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The walk to the small village they spoke of was a blur. Your mind processing everything that happened before hand. It took about ten minutes for you to break out of your trance and look around the area once more. Sonic and Amy lead the way as Knuckles and Tails walked right beside you. Sticks was behind the group. Her stare lingering behind your back. Occasional glances would be thrown to you by the others. Making the whole thing more awkward for you than before. Taking a deep breath, you decided that it's best to speak than to lay in this uncomfortable silence.

"So...um-"your mouth felt like sandpaper. Your brain short circuiting and being unable to bring the words out. "Is- is everyone here like you guys?"

Amy gave a shrug. "Well, technically yes. No one here is a human other than Eggman."

Eggman? What kind of name is that? Looking at the girl with pure confusion, she gave a sheepish laugh and looked back to the path. The yellow sandy ground was long gone. Green and brown being the only colors evident in it.

Amy spoke again. Continuing the conversation. "It's best if you ignore him though." You rose a brow at that. "He's not...the most trustworthy person here."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he attacks the village every day." Tails casually answered. Unfazed by its concerning context. "He's basically one of the villain of this whole place."

Now you were a bit worried about the whole ordeal. But you latched on to the last thread of positivity you still had and didn't let the fear barge in your brain.

A word stood out to you from the conversation. One of. There's more?

You didn't really trust the group yet. Therefore you decided to keep your mouth shut about that subject for now. It's probably best to see what they mean for yourself. Or even better, never have the unfortunate fate to experience it.

"We're here." Amy speaks. Motioning to the village in front of you. Small and big houses alike, anthropomorphic of all kinds of animals walking around. One looked up from his book and gasped as he saw you. Making his friend look at you as well and drop his ice cream. All civilians alike looked at you and whispered to each other. Making you feel uncomfortable. Crossing your arms, you gave an awkward hum and tried your best to avoid eye-contact with them.

Sonic frowned as he saw your uncomfortable figure. He blocked the view to you for the people in front of him. A small, yet kind gesture that made you feel a bit better.

"Y-you guys! Stop right there!" you all stopped moving and turned around to the source. A gray mouse sighed in relief as he saw you all halt. His relief quickly turned into panic as he saw you.

"Mr. Hedgehog," he gave a concerned glare to Sonic. Not noticing your shock from the last name. An amused smile came over you. Does this mean his middle name is actually 'The'?

"Mayor Fink, we were just looking for you." Sonic crossed his arms. "This girl's boat crashed and she needs a place to say. We were wondering if-"

"Now now hold on just a moment!" he interrupts. Unsure of the whole ordeal, he looked at you and then back at Sonic. He brings him close to him. Saying something in his ear. They looked like they were two kindergartner's sharing secrets to one another. "Are you sure they're not.... Related to Eggman by any chance?... "

Sonic rose a brow at that. He gave a glance at you and shrugged. Truth be told, he did have a bit suspicion about you. Mayor Find gave a sigh. "I just don't want the village to be at danger again. We're already at the risk of eternal doom every day. "

Sonic was at a loss for words. At one side, it's best to make you feel comfortable first and make sure no harm was done to you by the crash. After all, you gave quite the horrified scream when you came here. Best to calm you down.

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