I want it that way

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Kate really didn't know what to expect when she woke up, maybe tied down to a chair? Maybe upside down? Or in an integration room, but she really did not expect to be in a completely white looking box in the middle of what seemed to be a plane.

She was still definitely drugged, she could not move a single limb without pain radiating throughout her entire body, she luckily wasn't alone though. Cassie was sleepily peacefully right across from her.

Kate felt extremely guilty about the entire situation, if she had been more aware she might have seen something, if she had actually tried to throw people off her tracks and find a safe location to lure Cassie, none of them would be here, but of course she had to be impatient! God she's such a dumbass.

She's not sure how long she's been staring at the white wall before her senses start to come back to her and she's allowed to actually move her mouth. Voices come hitting her from all around, small whispers most likely her captors. Kate slowly moves towards Cassie lightly pushing the girl begging for her to wake up.

It takes a minute before Cassie gains consciousness but when she does she shoots up and Kate has to grab her by the shoulders to stop her in her place trying to remind Cassie that it's okay that they're safe. Well semi safe.

Cassie groaned, a hand flying to her head, most likely a migraine picking up, "That hurt like a bitch."

Kate chuckled at the girl, yeah it did hurt like a bitch. She can't wait to get her hands on whoever had thrown that flashbang and whoever drugged her, that was just embarrassing.

Kate slowly stood to get a better view from the container her and Cassie were in. There were about 10 people in her view chattering about something and Kate noticed the buffy lady which now that she saw her she was like super small and not as big as hunk Kate was imagining but damn that women had muscles.

There was no denying they were in a plane, a smooth plane though that's for sure.

"Dude im bored.." Kate groaned looking over at Cassie who nodded in agreement, "Usually my captors are more FUN!" Kate yelled over to the group of agents, miss hunk glared her down and Kate couldn't help but stick her tongue out at the women, hoping to tick her off but she simply went back to their conversation.

Kate let out a frustrated sigh, they were really going to regret kidnapping her.

"Can I at least get a packet of cards? Or some music maybe?" Kate asked again, the group completely ignoring her.

Kate was not about to give up so she started pacing around the containment humming to one of her favorite songs and Cassie started to catch on and started banging on the white walls to the beat of her song.

"Yeahhh." Cassie started and Kate started to pick up.

"You are my fire the one desire believe when I say I WANT IT THAT WAY"

Cassie starts bobbing her head picking up from Kate, "But we are two worlds apart, can't reach to your heart when you say.."



"AIN'T NOTHING BUT A HEARTACHE." Cassie sings/screams.



"TELL ME WHYYY!" They sang together in said 'harmony'

"I neverrrr wanna hear you say..." Kate started waiting for Cassie to start picking up.

Roommates-A Yelena and Kate adventureWhere stories live. Discover now