Chapter Four: No Way

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I took a deep breath, preparing myself. I knew what was coming. He was going to be pissed. This time, there was no denying that it had been visible on the screen. I thought that he had been being ridiculous about what I told him to wear, but it turns out...Yoongi was right.

Granted...there's probably not a single person watching that minds getting an extra flash of his skin. It was kind of beautiful. All smooth and pale. And he never showed any of it. I'm not sure why. If I looked like him, I'd be showing myself off as much as possible.

But still...I knew that it made him uncomfortable, and I felt bad. Sure, Yoongi is overly modest. He even complains about some of their dance moves, when he thinks that they're being unnecessarily suggestive. That's just who he is.

I hear the door open and I flinch when it slams into the wall behind it, then again when it slams shut. I'm sitting in the makeup chair that Hobi was in before, facing away from the door. It opens again, and closes, more gentle this time.

"Did you have to slam the door in my face?" Hobi asks as he steps into the room.

There's no answer to his question. I look up into the mirror in front of me, and my eyes connect with Yoongi's. He's fuming. His face and his ears are beat red and his arms are crossed over his chest as he glares at me.

"You're not going to say anything?" He growls out at me.

"About what?" I ask, trying to pretend like I don't know what's going on.

"About what?" He repeats back to me, his tone sharp and biting. "You're fucking kidding me, right?"

I flinch again. "Yoongi, I'm sorry," I tell him, my voice much quieter than it usually is. I look down at my hands, my bottom lip trembling as I try not to cry. I know that I messed up. 

"I don't want your fucking apologies, Cassi," he yells at me. "I told you that I didn't want to wear this. I told you that I wasn't comfortable. There's a whole fucking rack of clothes over there." He points to the rack of clothes that has been wheeled into the corner of the room. "You could have put me in anything else. I asked you several times to do just that. But you insisted."

"Yoongi, I-..."

"No. Don't fucking 'Yoongi' me, Cassiopeia." he yells. "We're not friends. If we were, then you wouldn't have put me in something that had me showing my nipple off to the whole world like fucking Jungkook in the On video. From now on, it's fucking Mr. Min to you, got it?"

I close my eyes and sniffle a little as I nod my head.

"Stop being so overly dramatic, Yoongi," Hobi says. "You're being an ass and making her cry."

"I don't fucking care," Yoongi says to him. "And if you're going to take her side, then it's fucking Hyung to you."

"Yoongi," Hobi starts, but Yoongi shoots him a glare and he corrects himself. "Hyung, calm down. That's enough."

"I will not calm down, Hoseok!" Yoongi yells at him. "I'm fucking pissed, and she needs to know it!"

"I think you got your damn point across," Hobi tells him, he walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Leave her alone."

"No," Yoongi spits out at him. "Mind your own fucking business."

"This is my business, Hyung," Hobi growls at him. He says the last word in a way that makes it clear that he doesn't think Yoongi deserves that honorific right now. "You may not think that she's your friend, but she is mine, and I won't let you treat her this way."

Wow. I don't think that I've ever seen Hobi this mad before. Sure, he could give off a death glare to rival the meanest mean girl, sometimes. But this was something else.

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