A word

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She gasped a lot of air and she awake. Her hands were in air felt like they're trying to stop something from going away from them. Her eyes were teary and her heart was beating like she ran a marathon. 
She sat down and wiped her eyes .
Then suddenly her blurry eyes ran on the room she was.
A room like a painting of an artist . Beam of ray were kissing the floor. The curtains of balcony were trying to touch her . There was a soothing smell which can calm one's nervous. A pleasent melody of wind charmer in balcony was covering the sound of her beating heart. The cream and  baby pink colour of walls were enough to catch her attention .
" A night mare " It was one of the most husky voice she ever Hurd.
When she turned around to see the owner of the voice .
She wasn't started to see a man looking like any k pop idol. He might be in his 20s , or maybe less .  His black hairs were all messily covering his forehead and touching his brows . His pale fair skin was reflecting the light around him. His brown eyes were more like honey coloured, golden brown. Sitara's eyes stopped on his chest . There was a nasty scar of a deep cut. Maybe the wound was filled but it left a nasty scar for his reminder of how he got it.
He buttoned his shirt and tied his messed up tie properly. Even his waist coat was unbuttoned  . She can tell he was waiting for her rousing for a lot of of time .
" I am not one a showpiece. Princess . " He said distracting her. " How are you feeling princess?"
" Confused " she replied finally taking off her eyes from him.
He chuckled and got up and walked towards the French window.
" I see " he said " Mainly people will freak and panic in the situation you are in. But you are a lot of calm compared to what I thought."
" It's simple and you know why." She replied looking in his honey eyes.
" And what's that?"
" Now that you asked ....where is this place? "
" We are in Headquarters,of  spirit hunter clan aka shadow. "
" And where this place?"
" Hevelin." He replied" and we aren't exorcists. "
Her eyes get wide and she was surprised to hell.
" Hey I know it's freaking . But you aren't dreaming ok so back to earth princess."
Suddenly he could hear her crazy laugh in reply . She was laughing like she hurd a hallerious joke. That did startled him but he saw it comming.
" Kids these days " he mummered .
" Ok enough joke . Now can you plese call Naiyana?" She asked pulling off  the clip from her index fingure.
" And who is she ?"
" Naiyana?"
" Yeah "
" My lil sis"
" She must be in Delhi"
" And where are we ?"
" Hevelin"
" Is hevelin not in India ?"
" Don't know?"
" Don't know!?"
" Never checked"
She fell on bed again and grabbed her head and she turned to face Riyu.
" I must have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Riyu by the way . And till you are here you will be in my care."
Suddenly her stomach growled. She got up again. Getting all  flush and placing her hands on her stomach.
" Lets have something before we have a word."
" Ok "
" Khara bring the tray  inside."
There was light knock on the door and it opened . There came a woman in her sixties holding a tray . Her smile was warming .
Riyu placed the table on bed and she kept the tray.  Sweet aroma of porridge filled the room replacing the soothing smell of lavender and wood .
Sitara's mouth watered seeing porridge with nuts and berries. Riyu smiled.
She was about to dig in bit she stopped and looked at him suspeciously. He rolled his eyes and took the spoon from her hands and he mummered " kids these days."
He had a small amount of porridge. Seeing him fit and fine even after two minutes of consuming porridge, she was convinced to have it .
It was better. It was her first time she ever had something like that . All because of it's delicious taste , she finished it in no time.
" Now can you please enlighten me with what's going on?" She asked and had a gulp of water.
"*Sigh* kids these days " he mummered to himself. " Khara" he called the old lady and she appeared .
" Yes sir." She had a confident and warm personality.
' Don't know why. She's making me feel warm. I feel like I have an unforgettable bond with her. A maternal bond.'
( Sitara's mind's voice)

" Seems like Sitara enjoyed your food . Now can you please clear the bed?" He said in his polite tone .
" Okay sir." She said. She started removing table and utensils from the bed.
Sitara's head was little heavy. Maybe because she was unconscious for a long time.
" Do you believe in mirror worlds?" He asked.
Sitara was thrown to reality by the seriousness in his tone.
"Why wouldn't I?" She asked" I believe in all those things which science can't explain."
He sighed in a relief. With a smile he sat on the stool beside her bed .
" The universe will heal. Sooner or later . Gone will be gone."
" What that ment?"
" I don't know I was asked to tell you this ."
" And how I ended up here can you tell me?"
Hearing this question. Riyu frowned .
" Don't you know it yourself?" He asked in ' isn't it obvious' tone.
" How could I?"
" What you remembered?"
Hearing his question, faded all the brightness she had . It ruined her mood.
" Till I remember. I tried to kill myself by cutting my wrist." thinking that made her dizzy and her head hurt by heaviness.

                         * * *
Till I remember. I never liked my life. This time I anyhow gathered my courage. I anyhow made up my mind. The one who sucite he is the most courageous person. Killing yourself isn't easy . Specially when your mind is still working correctly. It takes a lot of courage and you have to endure the pain. Slowly you will die, experiencing all the torture you gave to yourself.
I did the same. In that moonlight. I killed myself.
I was dieing. My heart was aching like hell. My pulse were down. My whole body was numb. And my eyes were teary.
I saw a light surrounding around me. I saw him.
Maybe my mind was playing tricks with me.
It always do.
But guess what I failed this time too.
            (Flashback ends)

" You were brought here . You are additional. You should have died. But feels like there is something saving you ."
" Huh?" She said her head was slowly getting more heavy.
" Maybe there is something blocking universe to repair their damage."
" And what's that?"
" How can I know princess?" He continued
" I can't feel your soul gurdian. Your gurdian soul is no more with you. Neither is that angle."
" Angle?" She asked trying to make sence of what he said but nothing work.
" Your gurdian. Princess."
" Then why you brought me if I am a threat of destruction?"
" I never said that."
"The universe will heal sooner or later. Gone will be gone." She repeated what he said not so long ago.
" Because that's what I am for. Belive me till you are here you are safe."
Sitara's eyes were getting blurry. But she was ignoring them.
"How can you say."
" I can promise you till you are in this mension you are safe."
He said standing up and wearing his gloves and hat.
When urge of sleep hit her. The moment she realised what she was missing.
" You" she yelled at Riyu " what you did to me?"
He smiled in a mischievous way.
" Nothing special. " He said " Just to tame you"
Before she could reply . He was already walking towards exit.
" When did you-"
" The water princess ." He answered before she completed the question.
Anyhow she managed to stand up from her bed. Her sudden jerk pulled off the needle from her hand making her bleed , seems she doesn't mind it. All she care about was that traitor.
" Don't push yourself princess . That drug is too much for your little body. Give it some rest. Let your body get used of it's presence ." He said as she walked slowly towards him.
" Never." She said .
He sighed. " You should sleep pri-"
She was now falling . Her vission was getting black. She was about to fall on ground that Riyu grouped her arms roughly.
" Kids these days" he said .
Looks like she wasn't going to admit her defeat so soon. She pushed him on ground and she herself pinned above him . She  grabbed his neck, ignoring all the pain she was having. By her blood, his white waist coat was staining.
"I will kill you Riyu. "
" You know what your actions can become cause of  your destruction."
She smiled " So be it."
It made him grin too. He touched his glouved palm on her bandaged wrist .
Out of no where she felt like her hand bone cracked. The pain was unbearable. It was so much for her curvy thin body to take. She screamed in pain. But she didn't let herself go fom him. She was still pinning him above her on floor . It's just that pain made her grip loose.
"I may look like a man in his twenties. But belive me  I am way more than that ... I might be older than your grandparent's grandparents I have seen this world change more than you lil one." He said.
This was last thing she hurd before darkness hit her.
Her small head fall on Riyu's Broad chest. And his breath was gone by a sudden bump. He smiled and brushed her hairs. He was feeling proud.
What about her. What was she feeling?
No she would never feel what he want her to feel.  

Pronunciation of names you rade till now.
Riyu :- Ri - U
Sitara :- See - Tara
Hevelin :- Have - A - Lin 
Khara :-  Kha - ra
Naiyana:- nai- ai - anna

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