Arian's advice

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Firstly I am really sorry for this late update. But I can't help it. As a student and a teenager there are many more things in my to do list. This is just a hobby I am continuing to ease my mind. But I promice it will worth your waiting. Soon there will be a big update. And I am working on that surprise.
So enjoy the story now .
Happy reading

Riyu's pov......

Deep inside everyone lies an angle and a devil. It depends on you. Whome you choose.
Your choices leave regret and those regret becomes secret.
This girl. Behind this beautiful face of her lies a regret of her own choices.

I didn't notice it earlier, but she totally resembles to  her maternal grandmother. Same wavy dark black hairs, same shining dark black eyes, same fair glassy skin. The more drug is hitting her. More her mask is vanishing. Her fake hair colour, her fake skin tone all are gone leaving true Sitara.
" Kids these days." I pushed her from me and brushed the dust off my clothes. I can't just leav her her here. I grabbed her roughly by her wrist and dragged her on the bed. I am not a gentle man, okay?
I placed a blanket on her and pinned that clip and that pin of drip back on her hands.
She is just a spoiled teenager with beautiful flaws and a clever brain with lots of secrets. 

Was it my imagination or did I really Hurd a pissed feminine voice yelled my name.
Na'ah it's not imagination.
It's her!
Too late.
A hard slam on door and a woman dressed in a pink chiffon gown and grey cloak entered in the room.
She stomp towards me in anger . 
Revealing her white hairs, silver eyes and white long lashes. There was a frown on her whitish  brow. And her glassy white skin was red in aner. She was Arian the godess of Hevelin.

" Why?" She asked.

" You promised." I reminded.

But looks like she isn't in mood. She stomped towards bed and revealing a silver dagger behind fom that cloak.
Was she really that determined in killing.
No way she will really kill her! Women are really hard to understand.
I can't let her die and hurt even if its mean going against the great Arian.
My bad.
"Arian" as I called her name her hand freezed in air.

Before she stab her. I ran to her and grabbed her wrist and I twisted her arm making that dagger fall. I kicked the dagger, sliding it under the bed.

" You can't do this to me." She yelled in her melodious voice "You promised too."

Great she remembered. I really appreciate how a woman can remember everything. Sometimes it made me think 1000 of times before I say anything to her. But. Now. I am doomed!

" And I kept it."

And it worked as water on her anger. She is cool now for a while whi knows what she is in other second.

" No this can't be. She is a threat for Hevelin. She don't deserve this - Life." She said.

She looked freaked out.  Her glare for Sitara were not welcoming it feel like she wasn't looking at a 16-17 years teenager but she was looking at a ghost.

" Not again." I mumbled

" Why don't you understand?" She yelled on me.
She grabbed my collar.  Today is really a bad day for my clothes I really feel bad for them. She  pushed me towards her. Forcing me to look in those unreal magnificent eyes.

" A spirit is the connection of creator and the creation . A body is only a cloth of a spirit. Her spirit gurdian have left her. That means she should be dead."

" I feel the light of life in her . She is shinning bright like her name." I said which attracted her anger.

Oh gread now she is pissed off. 

" Just come out of your paternal love for her. Can't you see she is no more that young cheerful Sitara she used to be. She is a danger. And soon she will start a blood bath on this holy land."

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