The meeting

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With the shwal around her shoulders she opened the door and came inside.
Feels like Heath really did his job she coud see a small silhouette of Sitara on bed. Lara still had the leaf in her hand. She came close to the Bed and looked at the girl.
Sitara had a frown on her face . Maybe she was having a nightmare. Lara placed the banker over her. She also sat beside her and looked at her with pitty in her eyes. She grabbed her bandaged hand and she sighed. When she pull off that bandage there was no fresh wound of any cut by any susite , there was only a nasty scar of a deep cut and some small stiches over those cuts . Lara was happy that wouldn't be in any physical pain now.
The leaf from her hand she kept it beside her pillow.

" You gonna go?" A pitch voice asked.

When Lara turned around. She saw tall girl with sholder length straight hair with some blue strips and big dark blues eyes was standing on the door frame. There was no expression in her face. Her round lips had a disappointment.
She was Aashi.

" Hey" said Lara leaving the girl alone and walking towards Aashi.
Even though Aashi was always mean and cold hearted for everyone. She was way diffrent for Lara. She use to treat her like a baby. Because of her kindness and innocence Lara was always an easy target because she never fought back. She was always as calm as the earth . But Aashi was opposite of her. Even though, she was happy to be in bad books, if it keeps Lara safe.

" How comes it's too dirty?" Asked Aashi looking at her shwal.

Lara pull it off her shoulder and she looked at it's condition.
" Oh maybe it got dirty." She said remembering that she paced it on grassy dirty land of river bank for making a perfect pillow for Sitara who had panic attack not a long while ago.

" Don't mind it. You are saying something." Said Lara throwing the shwal on the study table in bed room.

" Riyu called you?" she asked

" Yeah." She answered.

" Want me to go with you?"

" No I guess" Lara denied as soon as she asked. "I can handle it. And I did wanted to have a chat with him. So.... Don't worry about me I will be back to dorms tonight." She tried her best to explain, even though she was little stressed while explaining.

Aashi gave her poker smile and she sighed with relief. She was also trying her best to respect her priorities and secrets.

" Glad to know. " Said Aashi " I will see you in dorms then."

" Ah!  Aashi." Lara hesitated.

" Yeah?" asked clueless Aashi.

Whenever it comes for asking for a favour Lara always hesitated. She never like to bother anyone for her. That is where she always get scolded by Aashi.

" Ah! if you don't mind-" she said

" Huh?" Asked Aashi

" Can you check on Tyler for me?"  The soon after saying this she changed her mind saying  "It's of if you don't....I will just go and check in him."

" And why that?" Demanded Aashi with a frown.

" Ah not long ago I absorbed his spiritual powers to restore he passed out! Professor summoned him in his dorms. But I was worried,  he is just a naive young brother to me." She explained sounding obvious.

Everyone in shadow was well aware of Tyler's nature. He was the biggest attention seeker and everything was always funny for him. Not only this he knew how to play cute. His favourite hobby was to annoy Aashi. And Aashi's nature was to hate who annoyed her. He really like it when she is red in angry. That's why Lara was taking her words back.

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