Riyu's worries in vain

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There was a soothing smell in the air. Whole study was lighten by moonlight. Riyu was sitting on the window still and looking down to the forest. He wasn't alone though.
A young man with long blond hairs kissing his shoulder with chocolate eyes was also there. He was the appointed doctor of Sitara. Professor Heath.
" Things are going smoothly for now. Whole castle knows about your guest. Everyone is demanding for answers. But they are quite because of the trust they put into you." He continued
" Everyone is scared sir."
But, he don't feel like Riyu was listening to him at all. He was busy in his own world. He didn't even hmmed.
Heath waited for some moments when he didn't replied, he get that he will soon ask a question.
" How is she doing?" He asked finally .
" Ah you mean she!" He asked. It didn't took much to detect she  there.
" She is fine. But for how long. Can't say." He hesitated.
He was worried that he will react like the last time. When his ears drums almost tore apart by his yelling.
Nothing happen like last time. At place of that he Hurd his chuckle. That was surprising. Out of his conversation there was no good news.
" Do you want me to repeat sir?" He asked
" No need."
" Then why sudden laughing." Heath asked.
" Aren't you the reason of this laugh?" He asked as he turned , and looked into his chocolate eyes with his honey colour eyes.   
" I didn't get it sir."
" Didn't you just said that world don't know about her yet."
" Yeah but isn't it moment prior?"
" So wouldn't let the moment go ." He said and jumped off the still.
Heath was nervous. He didn't get anything what he was talking about. But one thing was clear to him. He was doomed.
" Will you run an errand for me Heath?" He asked.
" Of course sir."
Heath was confident . But Riyu wasn't, he wanted to things go smoothly. But he had his own doubts and worry.
" Can you find someone?"
" Find who?"
" The one who is finding Sitara."
That was overwhelming for him he was indeed doomed.
" What! You want me to find them?" He yelled in surprise.
" Ah my ears. Kids these days. This old man have sensitive hearing kid." He said patting on his shoulder.
" But how can you ask for something so important to me?" He asked jerking his hand away from his shoulder.
" Your family background is pretty impressive. It's rare to find fallen angels these days. And that also the R-"
Before he would complete. Heath speak in between " I get it master I will search for who you are looking for?"
Riyu then turned to window again. He seem focused on something for so long. But, now, his expression were changing. Heath was  watching his calmness and stillness from long time. But now his expression were changing. He looked tired and angry. Down there was something who was triggering his patients for so long . And now he was on its edge .
" Looks like you have another task to finnish before that."
" Huh?"
He was almost dragged out of the room. He was pulling him down stairs by the backside collar. Heath didn't ask  for anything . Cause he knew that's where his safety lies.

He was dragged to a group of guards near the river bank. Sitara was laying unconscious by her stomach and she was breathing heavily like she ran a marathon. Even her hands were Shaking and lips were trembling.
  A doctor don't need to be told about the illness of his patients. Heath ran to the group and made them aside.
And he made her lie by her back .
He grabbed her  wrist and he looked around him.
" Make a space she need air." He yelled " Lara bring me something to make her head up."
The shwal she was wearing. Lara pulled it off and she placed it under her head.
"Is she okay professor?" Consern Lara asked giving him his space. The guards were also some feets away from them whispering about what they witnessed.
" It's strange. How much you drugged her?" He asked
" She was drugged in a good quality but the dosage wasn't enough to kill her."  Said Lara as she got up and stepped a step away from them.
" I asked how much?" He asked sharply.
When Lara couldn't answer she stepped back. When she took more step back. Riyu grabbed her by shoulder. She looked at him with her puppy eyes. He smiled and then replied to Heath.
" 3 ml"  Riyu replied for Lara
" 3 ml to a kid."  Heath yelled in surprise. But when Riyu didn't replied, Lara knew now it's her turn.
" Will she be okay?" Lara asked
On that no one replied. She looked at everyone with her puppy eyes but no-one can answer her.
" Come to my office once you are done." Riyu said as he walked away towards Sitara.
She nodded in reply, standing frozen to the place.
" Why her whole body is shaking?" Asked Riyu.
Heath  was trying to use his powers to understand her symptoms just by grabbing her wrist, but it was hard.
Whenever she is around their spirits go crazy. They never link with them or they talk, no one knows why.
" Guess what she had a panic attack and all because of good amount of dosage it turn worse." Heath sounded pissed. " Lara help me here."
Lara came running towards them. And she kneeled beside Heath.
" You know what to do?" He asked as he handed her a leaf from his pocket.
" Yeah." She nodded
" Okay then ." He closed his eyes. And thought of a very cute guy of  Lara's age. He had light brown unnatural curly hairs. Grey eyes and fair skin there was a mole on the left side of his chin. 'summon Tyler Moon.
With a great shimmer out of no where Tyler ( the guy he thought about) was there. He was half naked and had a cup noodle in hid hand. He was sitting crossed leg on that ground and was about to have his food, when he came to know about the situation he was in. He almost freaked.
'summon shirt . Heath threw the shirt on the face of Tyler.
" Wear it and help her to restore Sitara."
" What's happening here?" He asked placing his noodles on the ground. He got up and looked around him.
" We will explain later we are runing out of time. " Said Lara
Tyler believe in Lara even by his close eyes. He nodded and wore  the shirt and made his place between them.
When Tyler touched her injured wrist, he looked bothered.
" She ..... I can't see her gurdian soul." He said. 
" She don't have one." Replied Riyu.
" Then how come she was in contact with one!" He asked.
Riyu and Lara both looked stunned. The both flick and he noticed.
"Now don't tell me a teenager tricked you."
" Like you yourself are an adult.... Chilling when it's your turn to hunt." Head  said mocking.
" Thanks for enlightenment. The  only fallen angel of shadow."
" Both of you " Riyu yelled " you are here for a serious work. Miss Forest start. And better you focus Mr Moon."

" Yes master." They both said.

A hunter's name tells a lot about them. Lara's surname Forest tells that she have the spirit of woods.
Where Tyler's surname Moon  tells about his reflection like moon.

They both worked together. Lara was glowing and when she touches Sitara she also glows and she surround by wines out of no where from the ground. It feels like the wines are tying her from ground and Lara . When the Light if Lara get less Tyler gives her his Light by holding her shoulders. 
In last Tyler end up falling on ground using all his energy. Lara want tired all thanks to him.
Sitara didn't awake but her whimpering and trembling was gone. She looked calm.
Heath summoned Sitara and Tyler in their respective rooms.
" Everyone" said Riyu " back to your work....." He than looked at Heath" you also rest. You have a big work to do."
Heath noodles and got up grabbing the shwal of Lara. He placed the shwal on her shoulder and ge asked.
" Need help?"
" No thanks I will do it."
With that he also vanished in bright light. Not only he Riyu was also gone.

But that wasn't the end. Lara still have yo report to Riyu.

Spirit gurdian  are the link between the soul and gods. They protect the soul from this universe. When a person die, their souls have to go either in heaven or in hell. Even after death your existence is remember by the people you know.  If any chance there aren't anyone who remember you. Your sould gurdian dissapears in the sea of lost.

Fallen angels another most powerful and rare creatures. These are basically the souls who crossed either hell or heaven bit for some reason they were sent back on earth. They have some common powers like predicting souls and talk to them. Else they have their own speciality.
If the fallen angel is royal than the power is unlimited. They Can even controll the spirits.


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