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Belle's POV :

" Belle", a soft voice called out for me.

Who's there?

"Wake up dear."

I opened my eyes to find myself in my living room of my parents' house. I was on my knees, staring at something on the floor. The red thick liquid was seeping in my pajamas and turning the white pajamas into crimson, the smell of iron wafting in my nose. There, laying in front of me was my father, dying.

Dad!! I tried to shake him, but he didn't move. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully, except he was not breathing. His leg was bent at a weird angle, his white shirt matted in red. Dad !!! No response.

" Belle."

Who is this person calling me? My instincts made me look upwards, where my mother was floating, a white glow around her. Mom?

"Speak up, Belle ", her voice seemed distant. Mom? Mom? I tried to speak, but no voice came out. Mom !!

Suddenly, I was transported back to the clearing I saw in my dreams. It was the same clearing, same lake, same woods but different people. It was my mother in place of the woman before. The trees were wilted, never alive like before, the flowers were withered. The leaves fallen dead on the ground, dark aura surrounding them. The sky was black,there was not a single living thing around. A once bright place looked like Death took over. The only light was coming from my mom, who was still floating.

"You need to move on, Belle, alone."

Alone ? Mom !!! I was screaming, but no voice was coming out my throat. My voice box was not working. It was frustrating.

"See, Belle. Even your father agrees with me."

My father? What was a black void besides my mom, was replaced by another floating figure, this time my dad. Both were smiling down on me, like they knew something I didn't knew.

Don't leave me alone, please !! They didn't hear me, but I was sure they had listened.

"You are not alone, pumpkin. Look around you", my father smiled, but I was not feeling like smiling at all. There was death around me, sadness all over. There was no presence of something that would help me, support me. I need you guys, please !!!! Tears wet my face, but I paid no heed.

"No, dear. You have someone who will help you, support you, and love you, unconditionally. He will always be there for you."

But that's you !!! I screeched, trying desperately to get my feelings across, but failing miserably.

"Its our time to go now, Belle. Listen, you need to speak up, that is the only thing that will help you."

'You need to speak up child."

"And remember, we always love you", the two spoke together, smiling lovingly at me. Before I could anything more, I was pulled in a dark void, my mind screaming at me to move, but my body denied. I was back at my living room. However, this time, I was joined by four other men,the same men who killed my parents. I was right there, in front of them, but invisible. I was reliving my worst nightmare again.

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