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Runaway - Red Hot Chili Peppers

As I walked through the streets of Cape Town I felt a breeze.

This was a little foreign to me. Ever since I had gotten my car I drove everywhere I needed to be. There was no taking the bus or walking. There was walking from the house to the car, but that was about it.

Janet had started teasing me, however; she said that I was too dependent on the car and that I had no idea how to walk anymore. She was just jealous because she didn't have a car. She liked taking the bus and walking places. She had a bicycle, and a darn good one at that.

To escape her constant abuse, I decided to take a walk. I was kind of enjoying it too. The walk gave me some time to think about what Jasmine and I were going to do for our half-iversary. The only reason I was planning it was because left to Jasmine, we would have just have ordered a slightly larger pizza than usual and watched two movies in my room. She was really comfortable in my room, I could never understand why, but I never questioned it. I thought it was the walls. They were painted beige and that was a calming colour.

As I walked, I got to a small shopping village. I'd always known about this place, it was called East Coast Shopping Centre. It was a quaint place filled with vintage shops and restaurants, a large Pick n Pay, a Dischem, a Cash Converters, a Laundromat, a Mr Video and a Cardies store.

It was near Victor High. I'd always found it strange how we lived near Victor High, but my dad wound up getting a job at Morgan. I never questioned him though; this was just something that I wondered to myself.

I walked into the centre, but I really had no business being there and I didn't want to go home just yet. They had free Wi-Fi there, so I decided to stay for a little bit. Though it had only been a couple of days I was still thinking about Jasmines' desire to talk about love.

Was she in love with me? Did she know I loved her? The bottom-line was that I was going to tell her that I loved her. Thinking about her made me miss seeing her, so I decided to look at some pictures of her on my phone. I had a whole stash of them on my phone. Every picture she had ever posted and a few she had no idea I'd taken of her.

She was so beautiful (she still is), I didn't know if she believed me when I told her that she was beautiful but I did tell her that she was, not often though. I didn't want to ruin the charm of the phrase.

"Are that your girlfriend?" asked a soft, little and unbroken voice.

I didn't say anything at first because I was sure I that I was hearing things. The grammar of the persons' was too bad for them to be serious. It sounded like a child, but children make mistakes.

"Are she? She are very pretty." Said the voce again and this time I could not just ignore it.

I turned around and I saw a little girl. She was quite tan and she had waist length, dirty blonde hair. Although she was tan, her face was filled with freckles and her eyes were as blue as the ocean. Her voice wasn't irritated, she just sounded curious in a childlike way. She couldn't have been older than ten and she couldn't have been younger than five, but I had no idea how old she was. She didn't look like anyone I'd ever seen before, but I decided to talk to her anyway.

"Yes, yes she is." I said with a smile. She immediately looked embarrassed.

"Ooh jammer, I mean sorry. I don't really speak English. I just moved here from Kimberly," she confided in me. It felt nice to know that she trusted me; it was her childlike, small-town innocence that enabled her to trust me however. I tried not to think about that.

"I'm still learning, but I'm getting better hey? My sister said I should talk to people so that I can be better."

She pointed behind her and I looked. I don't know what I expected, but what I saw was not what I expected. I saw none other than Katherine, Katherine Pringle. She had been watching the two of us with the biggest grin on her face. She got up and made her way over to us.

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