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Ben Howard - Only Love

Chapter 28

I woke up in a warm and safe place, at least that's what it felt like. Again, I didn't know where I was, I hated waking up not knowing where I was like some sort of loose woman who actually enjoyed this, waking up not knowing who you'd been with, looking forward to waking up on the 'right side of the wrong bed', that wrong bed could be a bed of STDs.

As I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I didn't even know what I was wearing. It was an oversized grey shirt, that reached down to my knees, but that was about all I was wearing. I moved my legs about a bit so that I could get a feel of where I was, but all I felt was some sort of material that seemed like pants, pyjama pants that is. They were also grey and were pooled at the end of the bed where my feet ended and were scrunched up.

In my search for the material I found the pale feet of the person I'd shared the bed with, it was only then that I noticed that I wasn't wearing any panties. I rubbed my thighs together once it double checking, but I got tired and just hiked up the shirt I was wearing and saw my bare pubis. I was little embarrassed myself just looking at them.

But I had to find out who I'd shared a bed with.

I turned over to see the large lug of man next to me, his hair falling all over the place, browning and not blonding like I'd thought it would.

Right away I knew it was Terence.

I could tell that sexy beast from a mile away with that hair.

But why were we sharing a bed, I knew he'd brought me here or something, but I couldn't figure out how we'd wound up like this.

That's when it hit me. We'd done the dirty.

There I was, wearing his shirt waking up from a passed out nap right next to his seemingly comatose body. I hadn't underwear on; I couldn't even find my underwear! I couldn't find anything thing.

I wanted to feel around on his body to see how many layers of clothes he had on, but truth be told my theory scared me a little. What if we had had sex? Had we used protection? I didn't want to have a kid at this age, I'm still a kid.

Questions were popping into my head that I didn't have the answers to, nor did I want to find out for some of them, I was petrified. All I could think of was why he was just laying there on the bed, had I been that good that I'd made him exhausted?

I couldn't even feel anything in my lower regions, the Luna I'd been drugged with was still in full effect and I felt nothing no pain. If I didn't know any better I wouldn't have known that those regions were still working to their full potential.

I tried to smack some feeling into them, but they stayed lame, but I became afraid that the sound of skin smacking may make it sound like we were at it again, but had we been at it at all?

Was this all the wild daydream of a paranoid girl? I could only hope so.

All I knew was I had to get out of there before he woke up.

Quickly, yet quietly I shuffled off the bed. The first thing that caught my eye was my clothes sprawled out on the floor, like they'd been thrown there, but I couldn't find my panties anywhere on the pile or around the room. I picked up my clothes and tried to put them on, but I knew I wouldn't have been able to so I just bundled them under my arm. I put on my pants, but they felt weird without my underwear and it was reflected in my gait.

I went out looking for my shoes but in the search, I found a note on his bed side table. Curiosity overcame me and read it:

Terence just a friendly reminder that dad is coming back at about 2pm, if you wake up and I'm not around I went to go fetch him at the airport. Make sure that Jasmine isn't at home, or if you do, just don't make it obvious that you guys had sex last night.

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