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Fool's Gold - One Direction

I had never been more nervous to see Jasmine than I was that day. The day had finally come; it was our sixth month anniversary. I was doing everything according to Katherine's' list, but I was a little suspicious of her.

Why would she want to help us? Before our meeting, she seemed to hate Jasmine and we weren't exactly on good terms. And now here she was a flip flopping pianist that had just changed their tune and instead of hating us she was trying to help us.

Change like this doesn't just happen. Everything she would ever do for me and for us was now going to be put into question. This was how they got you; they would spend years building up your trust just so that they can break it in a matter of seconds.

I made a mental note to never fully trust her, I felt like she had some serious ulterior motives and I was hell bent on finding out what they were, passively.

I wanted to know if she was planning anything, but I didn't want to watch her or anything. It was more of an 'I was going to forever be suspicious of her and if she ever did anything I'd claim I'd known it all along and if she never did anything, I'd have no worries.'

I jumped into my car, she had just been cleaned and she smelled sweet. Lemon, I think it was, but I was never really good with my fruits. It was a citrus fruit though. It could have been grapefruit for all I knew.

I tried to dress casually because I didn't want to make too big a deal of the whole ordeal. I wore a dark blue sweater, a pair of chinos, my vans and a variety of rings. I love rings, I was actually thinking about getting an earring or two, maybe, but I was definitely getting more rings.

I cruised along the road and I took my goddamn time, I was in no hurry, I was actually early.

I really just hoped that Jasmine would appreciate it. She appreciated everything that I did for her. She wasn't entitled and she always thanked me for the things I did for her. She never made anything I did for her seem like it was her right to have it, because it wasn't and it was nice that she knew that.

Everything I did for her was born out of love and I hadn't realized it until recently.

After being together for about three months I started thinking about if I really did love her and I did.

Before I knew it, I was outside her house and my legs had carried me right to her front door. I was about to ring her doorbell when I noticed that I had forgotten the bouquet of flowers in the car. I casually strolled to get them; I was still in no hurry.

Although Jasmine wasn't a flower person, I always got her flowers.

She didn't have a favourite flower, so I bought her a new flower every time we got together for something special. I never knew what the plant breed or specie, whatever they called it, was; I just knew it wasn't the same flower. If it was the same flower she wouldn't have seen it for a while.

She answered the door and tried to leave before her parents could speak to me, but to no avail. She was embarrassed of her parents, but I just adored them and they adored me so it was an added bonus.

"My boy, you take care of this girl tonight." He father boomed. He was a loud man.

"I will do so Mr Kenward."

"Good, and if you bring her back pregnant, well, don't bring her back...to Cape Town."

After saying that his voice roared and he laughed loudly. His voice not only filled the room, but it also echoed along the walls and made its way into the street. I'm sure the neighbours had heard him laughing, but they were probably already used to it.

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