Our Exorcism Rites

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The next day, I was at the Academy and in Demonology class. "Originally, from the time of Homer, the word 'demon' was used to describe a being of benevolence. Now, that meaning has been perverted by the False Church, and now carries with it connotations of malevolence," Father Blackwood educated writing on the chalkboard. "Father Blackwood?" I raised my hand making everyone look at me. "Yes, Miss Spellman?" "Can witches perform exorcisms?" I asked bluntly making everyone laugh.

"Well, I'm not sure what that has to do with anything I'm teaching here in the seminar. But, no. Witches cannot perform exorcisms, would somebody please explain to Miss Spellman why?" He looked around the class. "Exorcisms are a Catholic rite in which male priests call upon the False God for power to expel demons," Prudence educated and rolled her eyes. I didn't know anything about this stuff, why is she rolling her eyes again? "Correct. As I was saying," I didn't let him finish because I raised my hand.

"Uh, yes, Miss Spellman?" He stopped teaching again. "My friend's relative is being possessed by a demon, Apophis," I started making everyone slump back in their chairs. "What if this demon brings unwanted and, frankly, unneeded attention to the witches' of Greendale?" I asked unbothered by the class's reactions. "That would not be a concern, as possessions involving Apophis rarely last long," He replied. "Why is that?" I continued my questions. He seemed to be annoyed by my questions considering he walked closer to me, "Apophis is a parasitic demon, also known as the Devouring Worm. He's feasting on your friends' relative from the inside out. If he's alive now, he won't be for long," He said monotonously frustrated.

"Where does the demon go once it's done possessing?" I asked a little frustrated. "I imagine he'll do what any other parasite does, jump into another warm host. Usually, someone who has already had contact with Apophis," He gestured. So, that would be my friends. "So, if witches can't perform exorcisms, then what can we do? Banish the demons?" I asked curiously. "Some demons can be banished. Higher demons, like Apophis, would require an exorcism. Which, as I stated before, witches are not allowed, or able, to perform." He stated clearly annoyed.

The bell tolled for the end of class, "And on that question, class dismissed," He spat and then strutted away from his pedestal. I rolled my eyes and stood up as I walked towards the door to go back home and meet Sabrina, "Hey," I heard from behind me as I slowly turned around to look at Nick Scratch. "Wanna talk about it?" "What exactly is 'it'?" I asked sarcastically. "Whatever's on your mind?" He replied shrugging. I remembered I had to meet Sabrina, "I wish I could, Nick. But I have to-" "Let me guess, friend's to save? Demons to expel?" He asked sarcastically. I shortly smiled, "You're a rebel, Spellman. That's how I like my witches," He charmed smiling at me, that was hot but I wasn't gonna let him off that easy. "Heh, quite the charmer. But, need I remind you, I am talking to someone," I slightly flirted and crossed my arms trying to use the excuse that Prudence used.

It wasn't true, obviously, but he didn't know that. "Yes, a mortal. But you also have two natures, go to two schools..." I had a feeling I knew where this was going. "Why not date two guys?" He asked seeming like he was flirting, I knew it was coming and yet I was still surprised. I raised my eyebrows sharply, "I'm down with sharing," He shrugged and I just opened my mouth to say something. "Oh, come on. It wouldn't be that bad, would it?" He said taking a step closer to me. "Y/N," I heard from behind me and snapped my head around to see Sabrina, she looked between me and Nicholas. "Come on, let's go," She said walking out to give us a minute.

I turned back to Nick, "You may be done with sharing. But, unfortunately, I'm not." I smiled shortly as I walked away and left him to stand there alone. "I'll see you later, Nick," I said and walked out of the classroom before I could hear his response and joined Sabrina outside the Academy. "Hey, let's go," I sighed and began to walk. "Um," She cleared her throat and pulled my arm to make me look at her. "What happened in there?" She asked smiling with wide eyes.

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