teaching a new student

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my power rangers jungle fury story which I hope you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it for you all in advance. Now let's get to my question of the day and that is what do you all think of the jungle mace since this is when that weapon. Personally if I was to rate it in realism I do think that it could have been used in real combat, now just so you know I don't know if the jungle mace is a real weapon. Now I think I it would need to have been used is specific type of combat, personally I don't think I would be able to use it though since I would most probably end up hitting himself with it. Now with this long author note out of the way let's get on with the chapter shall we?


I hit the training dummy with my custom shark saber striking it just like mom and dad taught me with my own style to it. When dad found out that I was changing it he was at first mad but soon he calmed down happy I was learning to use them. As I was moving around and hitting the dummy's, RJ, was looking at the TV screens where the rangers were fighting a Rinshi general. He did not like to look at me when I was using my custom shark saber, for obvious reasons since it would just remind him of dad. After a couple of minutes of training I saw RJ, turn off his TV's, I stopped training looking at him.

Y/n:"did they win already, that was quite quick of them."

RJ:"no, they got beat, pretty badly, but I'm sure that they will be able to beat it."

Y/n:"what animal Rinshi did they go up against?"

RJ:"it was a pangolin."

lowerbirth:"no joke this was my first time hearing about this animal."

I nodded, quite a tricky opponent to fight, from what I remember the fighting style is purely defensive style and it wants to tire your opponent to tire down.

Y/n:"well, you'll think of some wisdom to give them, now I'll put my stuff away and get ready for the lunch rush."

I then took my swords back to my room before I go down to help Fran with the prep work, I'm honestly surprised that she puts up with us since at times she is the only person working in the place, good thing we are paying her more. When I walked down to the kitchen I saw that Fran, was doing a good job on her own, she might even be able to work us out of a job.

Y/n:"mind if I help?"

Fran looked up at me as I put on the apron.

Fran:"yes, thank you y/n."

I walked over to the tomatoes that were on the work station and got ready to make sauce for the pizza.

Fran:"hey y/n, what is even up there anyway?"

She pointed to the steps.

Y/n:"it's where me and RJ, live. As well as the other three. We prefer to keep it private so sorry you are not allowed to come up but maybe one day you can see the living area."

Fran:"oh, that's fine y/n, but what were those sounds that I heard?"

Y/n:"what did these sounds sound like?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

Fran:"I'm not to sure, bit it sounded like something was getting hit."

Y/n:"oh, that was me, I practice martial arts so that might have been what you were hearing."

Fran:"I didn't know you did martial arts y/n."

I smiled at her.

Y/n:"there a lot of things you don't know about me."

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