mom and son dinner

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Hello there boys and girls I hope that you are all having a good day today and are all ready for the next chapter to of my power rangers jungle fury story which I do hope that all of you are still enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is why do you think things better Lunick and y/n, mother are icy since the few times they are seen together it is clear there is problems. I would like to know what you think but with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


Walking into the café I looked around trying to spot my mom and after a few seconds I saw her wave to me and I made my way to her table and sat down opposite her and smiled, she was not dressed in her usual cloths but rather clothes that you would see on anyone.

Y/n:"hey mom, how are you."

Elaine:"I am good y/n, is RJ, coming later?"

I shook my head side to side.

Y/n:"no, he said that he was not feeling to well and to tell you hey and that he loves you."

Elaine:"Is he okay?"

I nodded and gave her a smile hoping to calm her down since I was already worried enough about him as he was coming and going at random times and when he did come back his clothes were usually torn up like he had been in a fight with a wild dog or wolf.

Y/n:"don't worry mom, I have been making sure that he is taking it easy and have been feeding him."

Elaine:"so long as you are sure that he is okay, did you leave anyone to look after him?"

Y/n:"don't worry mom, there are four people there, I asked them to check in on him every now an again."

Mother nodded, even though we were grown up she still acts like we were children.

Elaine:"so would you like to look at the menu and decide what you will be having to drink?"

I nodded and then picked up the menu and immediately I decided that I would have a hot chocolate as it was a little bit cold outside, but as for what I wanted to have for my lunch I decided that I will just have the house burger with cheese and bacon.

Elaine:"so have you still been brushing your teeth, I don't want to force you to the dentist to get another filling."

I then began to feel a faint tingle at my back left tooth as that was where the filling was.

Y/n:"don't worry mom, I have been brushing both morning and night."

Elaine:"good, I do not want to have to drag you into the dentist at you age."

Y/n:"I have been fine, I brush twice a day, and I do not feel any pain so leave me alone about that."

She nodded and I was a little bit annoyed that she was bringing it up but deep down I knew that it came from a place of love. Then a waited came over to the table and she smiled as she looked at us holding her pen and paper.

Waiter:"hello, can I take your order or are you still deciding."

I looked at my mother.

Y/n:"I am ready to eat mom, do you need any more time?"

Elaine:"yes I am, I will have a cup of tea and the soup of the day."

The waiter nodded and wrote down my moms order as I began to speak my order.

Y/n:"yes, I will have the hot chocolate and the house burger with bacon and chesses please."

Waiter:"and how would you like your burger cooked?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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