Our family is complicated

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Hello there boys and girls here is the next chapter of my power rangers story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is how do you think y/n relationship is with his family as a whole not individually. I would like to know what you all think and I will expand upon this but until then let's get on with the story shall we.


Waving goodbye to the could have been customer as I had to closed the door and go back to check up on Lunick since he is checking our oven as it had broken and repairmen are to expensive. When I was in the kitchen I saw Lunick had half his body in the over with his tool box outside the over.

Y/n:"how would you like to be served, rare, medium or well done?"

Lunick:"I'm quite a fine meat so do me well done, but could you get me a drink and pass me my screwdriver?"

I nodded and went into his tool box and handed him a screwdriver before going upstairs to get him a drink, as I was making my way up the stairs I could hear people talking that I recognised well. When I came to the top floor I saw my mother and father as the saw me.

Y/n:"hey mom, dad."

I rushed over to them jumping over the railing to give dad and mom a hug while RJ stayed back a bit as it had been quite some time since he and dad last spoke. Mom was looking as well as she always was wearing the same type of clothes that she always wore.

 Mom was looking as well as she always was wearing the same type of clothes that she always wore

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Don't own and this is how y/n and RJ mother looks.

Don't own and this is how y/n and RJ mother looks

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And this is what she is wearing.

I rushed over to the two of them to give them both a hug in hopes that it would cool off a bit of the tension in the room with RJ and dad, meeting again after so long. I then let go and looked at the rangers.

Y/n:"I see that we have all met each other."

They nodded and my mother gave me a little nudge at my side so I looked at her.

Elaine:"so is she the woman I thought was yours or RJ girlfriend?"

I nodded.

Y/n:"yes she is, I assume you know her name?"

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